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Unit One Vocabulary Week Five.

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1 Unit One Vocabulary Week Five

2 Amorphous (adjective)
ill-defined without shape blob-like Looking at rainwater under the microscope revealed a series of amorphous creatures. It isn’t always easy for someone to assimilate into a new culture.

3 Ascetic (adjective/noun)
~(adj.) self-denying/doing without ~(noun) a person who denies themselves pleasure or comfort Paul moved into a monastery to live life as an aesthetic. .

4 decorum (noun) ~manners Apparently, Roger never received the memo on what is and isn’t considered good decorum when seated next to the Queen.

5 Doggerel (NOUN) poorly written verse

6 Facile (adjective) easy effortless
It will be facile to win against our inferior opponents this weekend.

7 Guile (NOUN) sly or cunning intelligence
Miriam’s guile served her well on the chessboard.

8 Proffer (Verb/noun) (verb) offer (noun) an offer
I accepted his hand as a proffer of friendship.

9 Protégé/protégée (noun)
trainee sidekick assistant Robin is Batman’s protégé .

10 Sanguine (adjective) ~optimistic ~positive thinking
People are drawn to those individuals with a sanguine outlook on life.

11 Seraphic (Adjective) ~angelic
Amelia’s behavior was positively seraphic.

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