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Web Applications with CA 2E and WebsydianExpress Develop and Deploy.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Applications with CA 2E and WebsydianExpress Develop and Deploy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Applications with CA 2E and WebsydianExpress Develop and Deploy

2 Speakers Søren Madsen Chief Consultant, Soft Design A/S Anne-Marie Arnvig Communications Manager, Websydian A/S

3 Agenda Web apps with CA 2E - What are you up against? WebsydianExpress, what the….?? Websydian benefits out-of-the-box Making faster concrete Live demo: linking 2E and WebsydianExpress

4 What are you up against? What does it take to transform your 2E applications into web applications if you start from scratch? What do you need to learn? What options do you need to consider, evaluate and choose between? What do you need to develop yourselves? How long time do you think it will take?

5 WebsydianExpress for 2E – what the..?? Frame for working with web and web services with 2E

6 2ESecurity User managment Session control Administration Transport layer MenuLogin Design Authorization system What the user doesnt see What the user sees WebsydianExpress for 2E

7 2ESecurity User managment Session control Administration Transport layer MenuLogin Design Authorization system What the user doesnt see. What the user sees. WebsydianExpress provides all the orange boxes ready to use. Nomeco: 90 % of what we needed

8 Websydian benefits out-of-the-box You dont have to use time collecting and evaluating information about how to go about creating a web solution before starting – we have done it for you You can reuse the application you already have You can focus on the business functionality right after installation You dont have to use time setting up security measures – its already done Genric features: menu, login, user management, language support Web based user administration Years of experience

9 Making faster concrete How long will it take to before you can focus on the functionality of your web site if you dont use Websydian to web front your 2E application ? 1000 hours? 2000 hours? or more? How long will take if you use WebsydianExpress? 200 hours? 150 hours? or less?

10 Biography Søren Madsen Soft Design A/S Chief Consultant –Worked with CA 2E since 1990 –CA Plex since 1996 Speaker at: –CA WORLD and Plex/2E user conferences since 2004 –COMMON US since 2007

11 Developing for Websydian Express AllFusion 2E iSeries, (Summer 2006) AllFusion Plex iSeries, Windows (December 2005) ILE RPG iSeries (Just released!) You choose !

12 Similarities between 2E and Web Display Record RPG DDS Display Horse EXCEXTFUN RPG HTML 2EWebsydian/2E

13 Similarities between 2E and Web Scr/rpt design = Page modeler

14 Page Modeler: Easy creation of HTML

15 Run-time Page Generation The RPG Program Loads the DDS via the definition as an externally described file. Assigns the variables and writes to 5250 RPG

16 Run-time Page Generation The RPG Program reads the HTML file as an external file. Assigns the variables and writes to the browser RPG

17 Run-time Page Generation Substitution at run-time of fields in Details region Values of Details-fields set by SetOutput function Result is generated HTML Page HTML Document Template as input to WritePage Function

18 Live Demo

19 Websydian for 2E Demo



22 The Websydian Express 2E API (43)

23 Application flow - GetInput(field name) –(Get values from input fields, one call per field) - Execute business logic –(E.g. database update etc.) - SetOutput(field name, field value) –(Set output values, one call per field) - SetParm(Eventid, field name, field value) –(Set hidden values, one call per field) - WritePage(html template)

24 Show horse Functions
















40 Websydian for 2E Demo

41 Show horse Functions








49 Websydian for 2E Demo

50 Questions

51 Some new candy in WE 3.0 Webservice engine in WE 3.0 Selector Program –File FTP –Soap 1.1 Unwraps The XML –XML R.E.S.T.

52 Some new candy in WE 3.0 Criteria –SOAP1.1 SoapAction –XML First element Name X-Path Request id (Soap action in Url) URL (hardcoded) HttpHeader –File URL

53 Some new candy in WE 3.0 XML processor = Your 2EProgram Open Architecture You can make your own Selectors and Criterias based on abstractions in CA Plex.

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