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India Indus Valley Civilization

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1 India Indus Valley Civilization
Mikenzie Crowther Period 2

2 Political Religion was the basis for their government
All laws came from religious beliefs Dominated by priests who out from citrad to govern the capital cities Cities were managed in a strict political system

3 Economic Agricultural civilization
Grew wheat, beans, barley, sesame, rice, peas, bananas, black pepper, and cotton crops Extensive trading occurred between the merchant class

4 Religion Polytheistic and animals were important symbols
Harappans obeyed the priests because the priests were intermediaries between the Harappans and the gods They believed the gods controlled fertility of crops if the gods were mad they would punish the Harappans by unsuccessful crops Believed in the Mother Goddess and worshipped clay figures of her

5 Social Consisted of four classes
Warriors, priests, merchant, then peasant class Made bronze, copper, and stone tools Beads and shells were used as jewelry Pottery was very common Very detailed work

6 Intellectual Very elaborately planned cities
Writing system used symbols Used standardized weights and measurements Sewage systems

7 Area Cities were layed out in distinctive gridiron pattern

8 Rise Peak was during the period of the Harappans
Extensive trading occurred Flourished between 2600 and 1800 BC

9 Fall It is not known for sure, but several predictions can be made
It was a gradual decline Most of the cities were abandoned due to infertility of crops climate change Continuous flooding

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