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Indus River Civilization

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Presentation on theme: "Indus River Civilization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indus River Civilization

2 Harappa Society

3 Skill: Comparison As you view the following images, note differences and similarities between the Indus River Civilizations and the hunter/gatherer societies of the Neolithic era.

4 Baked Brick Structures

5 Artist’s image of Çatalhöyük

6 Recreated Interior Catal Hüyük

7 Aerial View of Urban Planning

8 Ruins of Mohenjo Daro

9 Sophisticated Water System
Indoor plumbing!

10 Stadium with Seating for Thousands

11 Buddhist Stupa or Indus Temple?

12 Deity or Human Statue?

13 Sculpted Figurine


15 Harappan Seal

16 Yoga pose? Pre-Hindu?

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