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Introduction to Mental Health

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1 Introduction to Mental Health
for yr6 or yr7 students

2 What is Mental Health? End

3 What words are used to describe someone with low mental health?

4 Let’s look at some topics that are associated with low MH:
As we have discussed on the last slide there is lots of terminology that can be used to describe our MH, many of the words can be negative or misunderstood. People can also use the words flippantly which can be just as much of an issue. So how do you know when you are feeling anxious or are suffering from anxiety? Let’s watch this video when I worry Let’s look at some topics that are associated with low MH: Anxiety – Panic attacks Depression Stress

5 Anxiety – Panic Attacks Depression Stress
Lets watch this I think I was depressed Both of these clips talk about how they got to this point and how long they were feeling like this. It was a considerably long amount of time. All of us feel low at some point and this is ok, it’s if it goes on for some time and you struggle to lift the mood, this is when it becomes something that you may need to talk about. And sometimes a little stress can be good for us, this bucket analogy helps explain . Anxiety – Panic Attacks Depression Stress

6 So let’s think about what is in our bucket at the moment.
I have written a few things to start you off, but I am sure you can tell me a few others: Friendships Family Homework / school work Money Social media So let’s think about what is in our bucket at the moment.

7 How can we look after our Mental health?

8 Have you tried some of these?
Mindfulness Exercise Talking Writing Listening to music Being with people Playing games Drawing or being creative What works for you? Have you tried some of these?

9 What if you were worried about the well-being of your friends or family?
What signs are you looking out for ? Look for things that have changed. Isolation Odd comments on social media Bullying Sleeping habits changed Eating issues Lack of communication A trauma that they may have suffered Anger Low self esteem Paranoia Self harm Risky behaviour Let’s talk through some of these issues, what do they really mean? Can you think of any others?

10 Honesty is the best policy when helping friends
Listening and showing empathy : Ask how you can help. Be calm and non judgmental. Read around the topic. Show you care. Recommend that they talk to professionals. BUT LOOK after yourself: Set clear boundaries. Keep up with your social life. Consider your own MH.

11 If you need help ? Have you tried: Talking to Kooth online?
Looking at the youngminds website? Phoning Childline? Talking to your family? Talking to a teacher – do you know what school would do? Talking to someone else at school- who else is there? Talking to your GP? If you need help ?

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