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Augusta University: NSA Curriculum Grant

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1 Augusta University: NSA Curriculum Grant
Who here knows what is an APT? Who here has heard of Operation Buckshot Yankee or Agent Btz? John J. Heslen, PhD Augusta University Cyber Institute

2 Agenda Deliverables Description of “strategic” cybersecurity
Development of strategic cyber curriculum Demonstration of lecture material

3 Deliverables 3 Courses (15 lectures per course) Video presentation
Whiteboard animation Guest lecturers Textbooks/Journal articles Assessments (multiple choice/short answer) Supplementary activities

4 “Strategic” Cyber Education
Cyber intelligence analyst Little technical background = “Strategic” What is “strategic” cybersecurity? Addresses how adversaries are organized Cyber capabilities Understand economic/Nat’l Sec policies Need for a “strategic” cybersecurity education evolved out of my own experiences

5 Strategic Cybersecurity Courses
Intro to Strategic Cybersecurity Non-technical survey course Cyber Warfare: History and Theory Addresses major historical cyber attacks Global Cyber Threat Environment Focuses on our 4 major cyber adversaries

6 Augusta – Location, Location, Location
As you can see from this map, Augusta is uniquely positioned to take advantage of these cyber workforce needs and, despite its rural location, it is very representative of National Situation with respect to cyber infrastructure and cybersecurity needs. There is obviously a need to service the growing workforce needs at the various units residing at Ft Gordon, but also the need to service the large medical infrastructure in Augusta, (Health Info Security, and Medical Device Security research) as well as needs of the nearby DOE facilities. In fact, Savannah River National Lab just funded an interdisciplinary faculty position at AU…(ICS Vulnerabilities)

7 Lecture Demonstration

8 Questions? John J. Heslen, PhD

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