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Roseberry Primary School SEND Offer
1 11/22/2018
Roseberry Primary School
Core Offer All children could have access to: Early opening (8:30am) and free breakfast for all children After school clubs Playground buddies at break and lunchtime Children’s committees and enterprise schemes Open door policy enabling parents to speak to school staff 2 designated parents evening per year A vocabulary rich environment. Reactive teaching and fluid groupings – consultations between teachers and teaching assistants takes place daily to discuss progress , interventions and affect necessary changes Differentiated lessons with success criteria to support children to progress from their starting points Individual Pupil Progress meetings that listen to the voice and views of the pupils about their education(Years 4 - 6) Pupil tracking and where appropriate support to progress including personalised interventions In class strategies such as talking partners Delivery of planned programmes to support progress by Teachers and Teaching Assistants
Roseberry Primary School Core Offer
At Roseberry Primary School we endeavour to treat all pupils as unique individuals. We firmly believe that all children should have access to the support they need to progress and achieve their full potential. Staff to contact regarding additional support/needs: Maggie Fearnley – Head Teacher Cathryn McCabe – Deputy Head Teacher/SENCo Patricia Murray – SEN Governor You can contact the above by telephone on
Roseberry Primary School Core Offer
The governing body in co-operation with the Head Teacher determines the school's general policy and approach to the provision for children with special educational needs, establishes the appropriate staff and funding arrangements and maintains a monitoring oversight of the school's work. The governing body currently approves funding for additional support for children from the educational psychology service, the speech and language therapy team, a counselling service and the movement (dyspraxia) team in order to meet children’s needs. They are responsible for reviewing the SEND policy. The governing body has appointed Mrs Murray as the governor who takes a particular interest in and monitors the school's work on behalf of children with special educational needs.
Roseberry Primary School Core Offer
Complaints with regards SEND children Any complaints regarding the SEND Policy or the provision made for children with special educational needs should be addressed in the first instance to the class teacher. If parents need further advice they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the SENCo. If they feel their child's needs are still not being met they should make an appointment to see the Head Teacher. If however, parents are still concerned they may contact the governor responsible for SEN and/or the Chair of Governors. Mr W Walton the Chair of Governors can be contacted in writing at: Roseberry Primary School, Marsh House Avenue, Billingham TS23 2HJ Parents may also contact: Caroline Fell (SEND Information, advice and Support Officer) Website: SENDIASS
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Quality first teaching and assessment provides children with the opportunity to show how they are progressing. Careful tracking of how individual pupils progress, termly pupil progress meetings with class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team enables school to identify children who may have Special Educational Needs. Any concerns raised are shared with Parents/carers and school then works with them to support the child. Parents/carers are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher or the SENCo, Miss C McCabe if they have any concerns about their child’s progress or development. If appropriate, children are encouraged to be involved as they have a unique insight into their barriers to learning. The class teacher and the Senior Leadership Team decide on the support needed for pupils during the termly pupil progress meetings. Any specific requirements, intervention and support to be put in place by the class teacher/teaching assistant are shared with the parents/carers and where appropriate, children. The success of the intervention and the children’s progress towards their targets will be tracked, reviewed and shared with the parents/carers and where appropriate, children. Appropriate training is undertaken by both teachers and teaching assistants so that they are able to successfully support children with SEND. Roseberry Primary is an inclusive school and all children are encouraged to take an active part in all aspects of school life including; extra-curricular activities, trips and an outward bounds residential. Extended transition arrangements are made for children with SEND when the move between schools, phases and year groups The class teacher/SENCo will meet with parents/carers each term. These regular meetings will update parents/carers on the child’s progress and provide the opportunity for parents/carers to share any concerns. The child’s next steps can then be discussed and new targets for the child agreed. The class teacher has responsibility for all the pupils in her class. The school provides a range of support strategies including 1:1 support, in class small group work and targeted interventions. All support is delivered by teachers , higher level teaching assistants and teaching assistants. Additional support when needed will be delivered by specialist teachers , the educational psychologist and speech therapist. School are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers as this is vital to the success of any additional support. The impact of any additional support is evaluated to determine how the pupil has benefitted and their next steps . Assess Plan Do Review More information More information More information More information Useful Links
Roseberry Primary aims to ensure that children who need additional support are identified as early as possible. Children are assessed against age related expectations as soon as they enter Nursery. Their progress is then tracked and those children who are not making the expected progress are identified. Teachers then plan using a variety of teaching styles and approaches as well as tailoring the learning to meet the needs of the pupils. Assess Additional support is put in place for those children who need it. After a designated period of time the child’s progress is reviewed. If the pupil has made insufficient progress school may draw upon the expertise of a specialist in their area of difficulty. Where necessary school may make an application to the DfE for special arrangements for a child during formal testing. • The school ‘s complaints policy is available from the school website. • Caroline Fell (SEND Information, advice and Support Officer) Website: SENDIASS • Information on the Local Authority’s SEND Offer can be found on Main Menu
Do Teachers at Roseberry Primary:
• Endeavour to tailor their teaching and the curriculum to meet the needs of all individuals, including those with SEND. • Are responsible and accountable for all pupils in their class . School staff take part in regular training to improve outcomes for SEND pupils. Teachers, Teaching Assistants and additional specialists are responsible for delivering specific interventions. Roseberry Primary is fully inclusive and the well being of all pupils is paramount. Where necessary appropriate risk assessments are put in place for individuals taking part in specific activities, including educational visits. Do Main Menu
Parents and carers will have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress each term with the class teacher who may be supported by the SENCo. Children’s progress is discussed at the termly pupil progress meetings where the class teacher, SENCo and Senior Leaders are present. When needed the child’s progress is reviewed at a muti-agency meeting so that input from all professionals can be used to decide next steps. Individual pupil progress meetings are held termly between the class teacher and pupil from year 4 upwards. All parents and carers receive a full annual report on their children’s progress in the summer term. Review Main Menu
At Roseberry Primary School the senior leadership team, class teacher, SENCo and parents /carers will work in partnership to plan what provision is needed to meet the needs of the child. This begins with quality first teaching that is tailored to meet the needs of all children. Where necessary ,school will involve appropriate specialist support from either our Educational Psychologist, our Speech and Language Therapist or our School Counsellor. Additionally we may apply for support from one of the following outside agencies; CAMHS, Teachers for the Hearing or Visually Impaired, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists or School Health. The following sections detail the support offered in each area of need. Plan Plan Menu
Communication and Interaction
Plan Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties Sensory and/or Physical Needs Main Menu
Plan The following interventions/strategies may be used to support
Children who have difficulties with communication and interaction : Visual timetable Flexible approach to timetable Talk Boost, Early Talk Boost and Speech Link Talk partners Use of visual strategies to support language Additional support at break and lunch time Peer mentoring and playground buddies Use of social stories Access to technology where appropriate ASD friendly working area Preparation for change Extended transitions Small group / individual work to develop skills in communication, interaction and develop emotional awareness. Support from school’s Parent Support Advisor (contact by telephone: ) Additional Speech and Language therapy in school Communication and Interaction Plan Plan Menu
Cognition and Learning
The following interventions/strategies may be used to support Children who have difficulties with cognition and learning: In class supported small group work in English and maths. • Practical aids for learning such as Numicon. • Frequent pre-learning, repetition and reinforcement • Access to The Roseberry Phonics Programme and Lexia if appropriate to the child’s learning style. • Tailored curriculum and teaching styles Access to structured reading development using Code X Reading support and target reading Assessments, support ,advice and links to other services for the child and its family from the school’s Educational Psychologist, when needed. Access to a specialist classes/sessions run by a teacher and/or a higher level teaching assistant. Access to a range of interventions when needed Plan Cognition and Learning Plan Menu
Social, Emotional and Mental
Health Difficulties Plan The following interventions/strategies may be used to support Children who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties: Individualised rewards system Individualised time out Use of the sensory area Visual timetable and social stories Mentoring (adults and peers) and playground buddies Adjusted curriculum Support from school’s Parent Support Advisor (contact by telephone: ) 1:1 support plans where required Pastoral support plan Access to our in school councillor Where appropriate, support for the child and their family from our Educational Psychologist Extended Transition programmes Advice may be sought from Amanda Spence (Education Advisor Inclusion and Development Officer) Access to CAMHs Access, if deemed necessary, to support from Preventions Individual protocols for children who may need to take medication Plan Menu
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
The following interventions/strategies may be used to support Children who have Roseberry Primary’s ‘Accessibility Plan’ ensures funding is available in the event of child entering school with a physical need and modifications to the building or specialist resources are needed Handwriting support using ‘The Teodorescu Programme’ Modified or adapted working area and resources provided to enable access to the curriculum Use of appropriate technology and software Support from school’s Parent Support Advisor (contact by telephone: ) Support from School Health Referral for access to support from Occupational Therapists Referral for support from The Physiotherapy department Referral for access to CAMHs Individual protocols for children who may need to take medication Plan Sensory and/or Physical Needs Plan Menu
Useful links SEN Code of Practice
Special educational needs and disability – a guide for parents and carers Stockton United for Change Stockton’s Local SEND offer can be found at
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