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Absence of Impact Polarization in H

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1 Absence of Impact Polarization in H
Michele Bianda Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL) Switzerland Collaborators: A. Benz, D. Gisler, G. Küveler, R. Ramelli, J.O. Stenflo

2 Outline Introduction to impact polarization Observations
Technical setup Difficulties in observing polarization Polarimeter: ZIMPOL

3 Impact polarization Directed particle beam colliding with plasma  impact polarization Created in flares?

4 Observations I Q/I M1.0 flare 2 August 2002 1051 UT
190 arc sec 140 arc sec I Q/I M1.0 flare 2 August 2002 1051 UT No impact polarization observed V/I

5 Observations I Q/I M3.9 flare 18 November 2003 0831 UT
190 arc sec 140 arc sec I Q/I M3.9 flare 18 November 2003 0831 UT No impact polarization observed V/I

6 Time evolution in flaring region

7 Observations of X17.1 flare, 28 Oct 2003
purple: slit position green: TRACE 195 Å yellow and blue: RHESSI

8 Observations of X17.1 flare, 28 Oct 2003

9 Observations of X17.1 flare, 28 Oct 2003

10 Difficulties observing polarization in visible light
Polarization measurement: Combining intensity images with different polarization properties Difference of images “polarization”, if not recognized as instrumental effect. Impact polarization: fast evolving structure high intensity gradients

11 Polarimeter techniques
Two beam technique: + simultaneous − different optical paths − different CCDs One beam technique: + same path + same CCD − not simultaneous ( seeing!) I1 I2 I1 I2 R

12 ZIMPOL concept (1) Fast polarization modulation and on-chip demodulation how? I1 I2 switched at 42 kHz 90°

13 ZIMPOL concept (2) Demodulation at 42 kHz
Same CCD pixel for different polarization states


15 Conclusions Impact polarization not detected by ZIMPOL at IRSOL; more than 30 events were observed

16 Profiles from imaging observations

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