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[Location: The 13 Colonies ] ⋅ [

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1 [Location: The 13 Colonies ] ⋅ []
Thomas Paine @TPaine1776 Thomas Paine @TPaine1776 “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” #BeingRevolutionaryAintEasy [Location: The 13 Colonies ] ⋅ [ 1,776 271 1693 Thomas ⋅ 10/31/76 The struggle is real right now. #StruggleBus#OrStruggleHorseandBuggy Tips for using this Template: Some items are “Grouped” together and can be ungrouped if needed using the “Drawing Tools” and/or “Picture Tools” tab. Grouped sections can also be copied or deleted, such as individual Tweets. To select one item within a group, click on it until drag handles appear around the individual item. Items in brackets [ ] are text boxes that can be changed. You can use the “Replace” function on the “Home” tab to apply mass changes, such as the Twitter Handle. To insert a photo, click on any “Insert Photo” box until drag handles appear around it > right-click > select “Change Picture” > browse for photo on your computer > Open > your photo will appear (you may need to resize it slightly). The background color can be changed using the “Design” tab. This template is for educational purposes only. Patrick Ben King Thomas ⋅ 10/29/76 People are all talk and no action, but people with heart get respect. #Loyalty #KeepItReal #TheRealest Thomas ⋅ 10/27/76 Anything worth having doesn’t come easy, but when you work hard from something, you value it more! #FreedomGoals #WhileGreatBritainisSleepingWeWorking Thomas ⋅ 10/24/76 Great Britain pretty much wants to enslave America…pretty much. #AintNobodyGotTimeforSlavery

2 Tips for using this Template:
#America #WhoGonCheckAmericaBoo #SpillingTea #FoundingFathers #LibertyforAll #PamphletsintheNight #DoYouWantARevolution #WootWoot #KingGeorgeWetstheBed @PHenny ⋅ [3/23/75] Give me liberty, or give me death! @TPaine1776 Thomas ⋅ 10/13/76 One word: Babies. Babies get everyone riled up. #TPaineLovestheKids Thomas ⋅ 10/12/76 When you know better, you do better. #TheSummerGlowUpWasReal #CashMeOussideKingGeorge #HowBoutDat Thomas ⋅ 10/12/76 Teamwork makes the dream work, and God is the captain of this team. #BlessUp #United #CantStop #WontStop #WhoGonCheckAmericaBoo Thomas ⋅ 10/11/76 Run up, and get done up Britain. This is OUR house. #SwiperNoSwiping #YouDontPayAnyBillsinThisHouseGeorge Tips for using this Template: Some items are “Grouped” together and can be ungrouped if needed using the “Drawing Tools” and/or “Picture Tools” tab. Grouped sections can also be copied or deleted, such as individual Tweets. To select one item within a group, click on it until drag handles appear around the individual item. Items in brackets [ ] are text boxes that can be changed. You can use the “Replace” function on the “Home” tab to apply mass changes, such as the Twitter Handle. To insert a photo, click on any “Insert Photo” box until drag handles appear around it > right-click > select “Change Picture” > browse for photo on your computer > Open > your photo will appear (you may need to resize it slightly). The background color can be changed using the “Design” tab. This template is for educational purposes only. Thomas ⋅ Hope? Nah, fam. #RealEyes #Realize #RealLies Ben ⋅ 3/20/75 Retweet if you are at the Virginia Convention! @[Twitter Handle]

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