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Aircrew Responsibilities

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1 Aircrew Responsibilities

2 Duties and Missions Section 1.1 and Section 1.3 in Student Manual 11/21/2018

3 MP Duties Common duties. Mission planning.
May act as mission commander. Attend briefings. Make mission duty assignments. Radio and navigation instruments. ELT searches. Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

4 MP Duties (continued) Keep mission base apprised of status.
Fill out debriefing form. Keep track of assigned equipment and supplies. Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

5 Mission Forms and Flight Plans
Section 1.6 in Student Manual 11/21/2018

6 Forms CAPF 100 CAPF 101 CAPF 101Ts CAPF 104 CAPF 108 11/21/2018

7 Forms 104 and 108 CAPF 104 Mission Flight Plan / Briefing / Debriefing Form CAPR 60-3 Requirement Completed for each mission sortie Clear and legible CAPF 108 CAP Payment / Reimbursement Document for Aviation / Automotive / Miscellaneous Expenses CAPR 173-3 Use current form (Previous editions are obsolete) Completed for each mission File within 30 days after mission completion Complete, accurate and legible Observer log information is transferred to the back of the CAPF 104 for debriefing / recording. Is used in lieu of the FAA Flight Plan for operational missions. 11/21/2018

8 Entering Data onto Forms
Data must be accurate and legible Print, or have another crewmember fill out the form. General rules: Corrections: line through and initial (no “Liquid Paper”) No signature labels or stamped signatures Attachments: Name, Date, Mission & Sortie number, ‘N’ Number, Hobbs time Review the form. Make sure blanks or “N/A” are intentional. Observer log information is transferred to the back of the CAPF 104 for debriefing / recording. 11/21/2018

9 CAPF 104 Mission Briefing/Debriefing (Front)

10 CAPF 104 (Reverse) 11/21/2018

11 FAA Flight Plan FAA Form 7233-1 FLIGHT PLAN CPF 4239
CLOSE VFR FLIGHT PLAN WITH ________________FSS ON ARRIVAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FLIGHT PLAN TIME STARTED SPECIALIST INITIALS 1. TYPE VFR IFR DVFR 2. AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION 3. AIRCRAFT TYPE/ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 4. TRUE AIRSPEED KTS 8. ROUTE OF FLIGHT PROPOSED (Z) ACTUAL (Z) 5. DEPARTURE POINT 6. DEPARTURE TIME 7. CRUISING ALTITUDE 9. DESTINATION (Name of airport and city) 10. EST. TIME ENROUTE HOURS MINUTES 12. FUEL ON BOARD 13. ALTERNATE AIRPORT(S) 11. REMARKS 14. PILOTS NAME, ADDRESS, & TELEPHONE NUMBER & AIRCRAFT HOME BASE 17. DESTINATION CONTACT / TELEPHONE (OPTIONAL) 15. NUMBER ABOARD 16. COLOR OF AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT PILOTS, FAR Part 91 requires you file an IFR flight plan to operate under instrument flight rules in controlled airspace. Failure to file could result in a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 for each violation (Section 901 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 as amended (FAA USE ONLY) PILOT BRIEFING STOPOVER VNR CPF 4239 CAPR 60-1 para 2-1g requires this be filed any flight over 50 NM distance except where CAPF 104 or CAPF 84 flight plan forms are used. Filed with FAA to record your intended flight and will start a search if you don’t arrive/return. Observer may need to fill this out for some non-mission sorties. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WITH FAA. N99545, Cap Flight 11/21/2018

12 FRO Checklist (60-1) CAPR 60-1 para 2-1g requires this be filed any flight over 50 NM distance except where CAPF 104 or CAPF 84 flight plan forms are used. Filed with FAA to record your intended flight and will start a search if you don’t arrive/return. Observer may need to fill this out for some non-mission sorties. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WITH FAA. 11/21/2018

13 Proficiency (60-1) CAPR 60-1 para 2-1g requires this be filed any flight over 50 NM distance except where CAPF 104 or CAPF 84 flight plan forms are used. Filed with FAA to record your intended flight and will start a search if you don’t arrive/return. Observer may need to fill this out for some non-mission sorties. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WITH FAA. 11/21/2018

14 Proficiency Add proficiency using the GPS for the following tasks:
Select/display a destination: Airport, VOR, and User Waypoint Enter lat/long coordinates into a User Waypoint Select/display present position (lat/long) Save present position to a temporary waypoint Display Nearest Airports and VORs Maintain constant track over ground Determine time and distance to a waypoint Enter and recall waypoints Enter and recall flight plans Fly by present position (continuously updated lat/long) Fly search patterns: route, parallel, creeping line & expanding square CAPR 60-1 para 2-1g requires this be filed any flight over 50 NM distance except where CAPF 104 or CAPF 84 flight plan forms are used. Filed with FAA to record your intended flight and will start a search if you don’t arrive/return. Observer may need to fill this out for some non-mission sorties. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WITH FAA. 11/21/2018

15 Flight Plans and Forms Summary
Forms are important! Complete, accurate and legible Label attachments You implement the CAP mission Know the source regulations CAPR 60-1 (flying operations) CAPR 60-3 CAPR 60-4 MOUs 11/21/2018

16 TYPES OF FLIGHTS Search and Rescue Disaster Relief
Visual Search Electronic Search Transportation Flights Disaster Relief Aerial surveillance Visual Photographic Homeland Defense/Wartime tasking 11/21/2018

Carrying non-CAP personnel Carrying K-9 teams 11/21/2018

18 FAR Exemptions (60-1) CAPR 60-1 para 2-1g requires this be filed any flight over 50 NM distance except where CAPF 104 or CAPF 84 flight plan forms are used. Filed with FAA to record your intended flight and will start a search if you don’t arrive/return. Observer may need to fill this out for some non-mission sorties. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WITH FAA. 11/21/2018


20 K-9 “AIRCREW” SCHOOL Besides “normal mission training” the dog needs to be exposed to: Aircraft it will be flying in high noise level at airports fuel smells accelerated noise during takeoff changes in altitude turbulence 11/21/2018


22 Observer Duties PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Visual Search Common duties.
Assist in mission planning. May act as mission commander. May attend briefings with mission pilot. Make mission duty assignments. Assist with radio and navigation instruments. Assist in ELT searches. Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

23 Observer Duties (continued)
Maintain an observer’s log. Keep mission base apprised of status. Monitor crew for fatigue, assign breaks. Monitor crew for dehydration, ensure they drink plenty of liquids. Assist in filling out debriefing form. Keep track of assigned equipment and supplies. Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

24 Inflight Observations
Observers Log Observer Log Aircraft Pilot Observer Mission Date Destination Total Dist ETE Remain Takeoff Time ETA ATA Fuel Inflight Observations Time Observation Departure Pt. Check Points Mag Hdg Dist Ground Speed Ident Freq Provides a record of the flight Preflight calculations Record of observations Basis for debriefing Used to complete CAPF 104 Information is forwarded to mission staff to guide mission management Good logs can be combined from several sorties to give the mission staff a better picture of how the search is going There are many forms of log sheets. Ask others what they use. A log can record check points, headings, distance, speed, ETE, ETA, ATA, fuel, time, observations, conditions. 11/21/2018

25 Scanner (and observer) Duties
IMSAFE (next slide) Be prepared to fly the mission — clothing, equipment, credentials, etc. Attend briefings. Keep notes and sketches. Conduct the mission as planned. Employ effective scanning techniques. Report observations accurately and honestly. Return borrowed or assigned equipment. Complete all required paperwork. Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Observer’s Log Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

26 “IMSAFE” Illness Medication Stress Alcohol Fatigue Emotion 11/21/2018
You add or subtract the correct number of hours from local time to get Zulu time. 11/21/2018

27 Scanner Duties PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Visual Search
Be prepared to fly the mission — clothing, equipment, credentials, etc. Complete mission paperwork Attend briefings Conduct the mission as planned Report observations accurately Return borrowed or assigned equipment Complete all post-mission paperwork Primary responsibility - Visual Search; allows the pilot to fly safely and accurately. You are the Eyes and Ears of the Mission Coordinator (MC). Expanded list cited at beginning of Chapter 1 of the student text. Briefings include: Mission, safety, comm, preflight/aircrew, passenger/crew and debrief CAPF 60 (Emergency Notification Form) CAPF 103 (Sign In Rosters) CAPF 121 (Aircraft and Vehicle Sign In Rosters) CAPF 104 (Flight Plan / Mission Briefing/Debriefing Form) Observer’s Log Source documents for Scanner/Observer are: CAPR 50-15, Training for CAP Operational Missions CAPR 55-1, CAP Operational Mission Procedures CAPR 60-1, CAP Flight Management 11/21/2018

28 CAP ES Missions Civil Defense / Wartime Disaster Relief
Search and Rescue Emergency Communications 11/21/2018

29 CAP Civil Defense/Wartime Missions
CAP OPLAN 1000 Provide emergency communications network Provide damage assessment Support state and regional disaster airlift (SARDA) Provide radiological monitoring and decontamination teams Airlift of high priority resources Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids (SCATANA) Plan See expanded information in CAPR 55-1, Chapter 6. SARDA is emergency airlift. SCATANA is control and limit use of navigational aids and air space, during a defense emergency. Hearing SCATANA is in effect means land at suitable airfield and file an IFR plan. Missions are defined by MOU or MOA at State Wing level. 11/21/2018

30 CAP Peacetime Missions
Peacetime disaster relief as a component of FEMA Urban Search and Rescue program Damage Assessment, Communications, Transportation Search and Rescue (SAR) USAF is SAR coordinator AFRCC implements national search and rescue plan CAP conducts 4 out of 5 searches Counter Narcotics Operations (CN) Support is limited to: reconnaissance, transportation and communications US Customs, DEA, US Forest Service and others American Red Cross and Salvation Army See expanded information in CAPR 55-1, Chapter 5. - Tempest/Rapid, (natural disaster report), is handled by Mission Coordinator to the Liaison Office - Customs and CN missions are defined and controlled by current Letter of Agreement (LOA). - Federal employees are authorized mission transportation in CAP aircraft. State and local government employees can be approved for transportation based on MOA/MOU and CAP procedures. - For CN, Red Cross and Salvation Army missions, CAP Emergency Services mission take priority 11/21/2018

31 Operational Agreements
National, regional and state levels In accordance with CAPR 60-3 Formalized through agencies chain of commands Facilitates OPLAN implementation Agreements are approved and signed at all levels Contents Limitations Reimbursements Liability Section 1.5 in Student Manual There is always an agreement between the State and the CAP Wing. There are national agreements like the Salvation Army. There are, at times, other state and local agreements. Know your responsibilities and limits. 11/21/2018

32 Liability Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)
Liability protection CAP members acting within the scope of their duties on CAP operational missions Air Force assigned missions (including 911T) CAP corporate missions CAPR 900-5 Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA) Worker’s compensation Injured or killed on Air Force assigned missions Commercial insurance for corporate missions Coverage varies depending on the type of mission Know your coverage for the missions you are on Section 1.4 in Student Manual Advantage of FECA insurance is workman’s compensation coverage Applicable to CAP seniors and cadets 18 and older while serving on Air Force assigned missions as follows: a. While participating on an Air Force assigned reimbursable mission including travel to and from b. While participating on an Air Force assigned nonreimbursable flying mission (but not while traveling to and from) Be aware of the type of insurance and compensation coverage for your missions. 11/21/2018

33 Flying the Sortie Aircraft Preflight Taxi Takeoff
Enroute to Search Area Entry into Search Area Inside Search Area Possible Sighting ELT Signal Detected Departure from Search Area Return to Base Landing Shutdown 11/21/2018

34 Aircraft Preflight Pilot Observer and Scanner
Brief Crew on tasking, duties, and procedures Preflight Aircraft Ensure all necessary entries made on MD WG Form 91 Personal equipment check Observer and Scanner Program GPS to navigate to assigned search area Operational check of DF unit Personal equipment checks 11/21/2018

35 Taxi Pilot Observer Engine start and checklist items
Taxi to run-up area Perform engine run-up and checklist items Observer Perform operational check of CAP radio Assist pilot in performing checklist items 11/21/2018

36 Takeoff Pilot Observer Scanner Performs safe takeoff
Performs standard traffic pattern departure Establishes heading to assigned search area Observer Initiates observer log recording departure time Reports departure to mission base Begins immediate scanning for search objective Scanner Initiates scanner log recording departure time 11/21/2018

37 Enroute Pilot Observer Scanner
Navigates directly to planned entry point in search area Maintains constant situational awareness Observer Continuous scanning for search objective Monitors CAP radio Tracks aircraft position Scanner 11/21/2018

38 Entering Search Area Pilot Observer Scanner
Enters at preplanned position Establishes initial search track Observer Records entry time Reports time of entry to base Continues scanning Scanner 11/21/2018

39 Inside Search Area Pilot Observer Scanner
Flys aircraft - does not observe Responsible to see and avoid other aircraft As aircraft commander, responsible for crew performance and well being Observer Primary responsibility is scanning Mission base communications, check-ins, and traffic relays (instruct the pilot to circle during periods when other duties (communications) interfere with primary scanning function) Maintains sortie written record of all significant events and observations Scanner Scanning Maintains backup sortie record 11/21/2018

40 Possible Sighting Pilot Observer and Scanner
Follows observer/scanners directions to reacquire sighting Observer and Scanner Directs pilot as necessary to reacquire the target Enters target position in GPS and records in log Reports sighting to mission base and stands bye for instructions 11/21/2018

41 ELT Signal Acquired Pilot Observer Scanner
DF signal with assistance of observer when authorized by Mission Base Observer Records signal acquisition time, present location, and bearing to signal source Reports acquisition to Mission Base and stands bye for instructions Assists pilot with DF unit Scans for possible target in vicinity of signal Scanner Scans for target in vicinity of signal origin 11/21/2018

42 Possible Find Actions Once it has been determined a ground team will be required for either a - possible visual find ELT/EPIRB signal source Aircrew must request same - giving initial location for rendezvous with ground team While awaiting their arrival in the search area it is important that the crew survey and develop a pre-planned route for directing the ground team to the site 11/21/2018

43 Leaving Assigned Search Area
Pilot Climbs to assigned return altitude and establishes heading to base Responsible for see and avoid Observer Logs search area exit time in log Reports to Mission Base Continues scanning Scanner Notes search area exit time in log 11/21/2018

44 Landing Pilot Observer Scanner Handles FAA radio communications
Makes standard traffic pattern arrival Does not scare observer/scanner Observer Notes arrival time in log Reports to Mission base Assists pilot Scanner Records arrival time in log 11/21/2018

45 Shutdown Pilot Observer Scanner
Secures aircraft including tiedown and locking Arranges for oil and fuel Completes MD WG Form 91 Observer Makes sure all sortie records and equipment are removed from aircraft Scanner Removes any filled sick sacks 11/21/2018

46 Aircrew Responsibilities End
Test Time 11/21/2018

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