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Let’s learn & Do a survey

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1 Let’s learn & Do a survey
PEP 5 Unit 4 What can you do ? Let’s learn & Do a survey Yangguang Primary School

2 Let’s do

3 sing English songs

4 I can sing English songs.我会唱歌。
Ask and answer with your partner. 同桌问答。 What can you do ? 你会干什么? I can sing English songs.我会唱歌。

5 dance

6 What can you do ? I can dance .
Ask and answer: 小组内问答 : What can you do ? I can dance .

7 Some girls love music , too.
They can play the pipa.

8 play the pipa

9 with “the ”(乐器类) play the violin play the pipa play the guitar
play the piano

10 × × × No “the” (球类) play the football play the pingpong
play the basketball × ×

11 I can _____ .

12 Kung Fu Panda

13 do kungfu

14 I like Kungfu Panda. It’s a nice .
cartoon food car noodles toon

15 cartoons I like cartoons. They are _____ .
( nice, great, cool, funny …)

16 draw cartoons 小火车

17 Let’s sing an English song
What can you do? What can you do ? Draw cartoons. Draw cartoons. I can draw cartoons. I can draw cartoons. What about you ? What about you ?

18 Let’s learn

19 dance draw cartoons do kungfu play the pipa sing English songs
Guessing Game ! dance draw cartoons do kungfu play the pipa sing English songs 绿色圃中小学教育网 Spell the words

20 Practice: What are the same(一样)?
play the pipa do kungfu play the pipa dance Sing English songs draw cartoons

21 What are the same(一样)? sing English songs do kungfu sing English songs
draw cartoons dance play the pipa

22 What are the same(一样)? draw cartoons dance do kungfu
sing English songs play the pipa draw cartoons

23 Spell the words拼单词 d nce s ng ngl sh s ngs pl y the p p . do k ng f .
dr c t ns a i E i o a i a u u aw a r o o

24 Ask and anser What can you do ? I can___ .I can __,too.

25 Pair work: Do a survey 做调查
Zhang Peng do kungfu play the pipa sing English songs dance draw cartoons other(其它) 1、小组内讨论:what can you do ? I can __.I can __,too .并打勾。 2、汇报:__ and ___ can dance .

26 Yangguang Talent Show阳光达人秀
A: There is a talent show. B、C、D: Wow ! A: What can you do for the show? B: I can __ .I can __ , too. (动作) C: I can __ .I can __ , too. (动作) D: I can __ .I can __ , too. (动作) A: Great. You are helpful! ( Tips小提示: draw cartoons, sing English songs, play the pipa, dance, do kungfu, read books, play football, jump and run, …… )

27 We can do many things by ourselves.
我们能自己动手做很多事情。 We can help the others,too . 我们也会帮助别人。 Just do it ! 行动起来吧 !

28 Homework Listen to the tape of P32.(听录音32页)
2.Show what you can to your friends. (把你会做的事情展示给你的朋友。)

29 Thank you! Goodbye!

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