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3 We have engaged over 1,000 student families and staff members to create the new Behavior Standard Policy making sure students: Succeed in school 2. Increase the time students spend in the classroom We find alternatives to suspensions.

4 Fair rules for everyone!
This policy will outline guidelines for students and adults.

5 Let’s get started!

6 Level 1: A level one behavior is a behavior that is disruptive to the school environment of students and others. For instance, refusing to comply with reasonable requests and behavior that can be managed with brief interventions by an adult present in the setting.


8 This behavior can be corrected quickly and while
An example of level one behavior and response is if a student calls another student a name. The teacher and adult in the setting can have a brief talk with the student while in the classroom. This behavior can be corrected quickly and while in class and at the minimum would include a reminder or redirection of rituals and routines.

9 Level 2: A level two behavior can be repeated or significant incidents of level one behaviors, disorderly behavior towards another student, staff, volunteer, etc., this behavior is also generally managed by a brief intervention by an adult present in that setting, and may include additional brief contact with support staff.

10 self-charting of behaviors, or a “chill pass” and contract.
An example of this is, if a student swears at another person. The response for this behavior could be but not limited to re-teaching routines and rituals, self-charting of behaviors, or a “chill pass” and contract.

11 Level 3: A Level three behavior can be repeated or significant incidents (s) of Level Two behaviors. Behaviors targeted at or targeting others or behaviors interfering with safety equipment.


13 The response for this behavior could be but not limited
Example of Level 3 behaviors: A student continues to swear at another student and hits the student. The response for this behavior could be but not limited to calling the parents/guardians of the students involved and explain the behaviors and interventions that took place to get the student back to class and on task.

14 Level 4: A level four behavior can be repeated or significant incidents (s) of Level Three behaviors or behaviors that involve safety issues.


16 Example of Level 4: A student steals a teacher’s laptop from her desk and smashes it. The response for this behavior could be but not limited to a scheduled Family Group Conference and a plan for restitution of property or incident. Out of school removal from instruction not to exceed 4 days, restorative transition back to class plan, mediation, and family group conference.

17 Level 5: Behaviors that may be expellable offenses.
A student brings drugs to school and tries to sell them to another student. The response for this behavior may be but not limited to a scheduled Family Group Conference, out of school removal from instruction 5 or more days, individual coaching by licensed support staff.


19 Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible to learn the standards of behavior of this district, their school and their classrooms; to take personal responsibility for their behavior as they are able, and to work to improve the relationship they have with their peers, their teachers and with other school staff.

20 Parent Responsibilities
Parents are responsible to partner with their student’s schools to implement with fidelity the school behavior standards are in school and classroom rules to improve their student’s outcomes. Parents shall help their students learn the behavior standards of their schools and classrooms.

21 Thank you for attending today’s student forum!
Please assist the students with the four question survey! Adults please note that this is an overview of our New Behavior Standards Policy. We suggest that you review the Behavior Standards policy in it’s entirety to better understand procedures and expectations.

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