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Sustainability of CLC: Interface of Programmatic diversity and

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1 Sustainability of CLC: Interface of Programmatic diversity and
Roles sharing Ehsanur Rahman Executive Director Dhaka Ahsania Mission Bangladesh

2 Presentation Focus Factors Process
Importance of the programmatic diversity Sharing roles of different stakeholders Logical base Contextual needs Anecdotes

3 Improved living conditions
DAM Program Approach Improved living conditions Increased Access to services Community Capacity Building Institutional Capacity Building Service Delivery Policy Advocacy

4 Institutional Sustainability of CLC: Essential Elements
Management Ownership Programme Resource

5 Ganokendro [Peoples’ Centre for Lifelong learning]
A place to cater diverse learning needs of the people in the community A platform for availing services to poor and disadvantaged group of people A centre for community actions for improved living A point to lobby to demand quality public services

6 Diversity of Users Literacy learners School dropouts Students Farmers
Community groups Housewives Parents Community leaders Local NGOs Government agencies Private companies

7 Bringing diversity in education programs
Customized learning package for different groups Contextually appropriate Education & Communication materials Multi-grade learning process

8 Multiple Entrance for Learners Increases participation of learners and community
Post-Literacy Program Semi-Literates Literacy & Life skills Program Illiterates Diverse Continuing Education Programs Advance Learners

9 Link > SSC Program of BOU
Ganokendra: Centre for delivery of diverse NFE programs IX-SSC Non-formal Secondary Education VI-VIII Non-Formal Primary Education for out-of-school children Vocational Education - Basic trade Advance Literacy Program III-V Adult Literacy Program Adolescent Literacy Program Vocational Education - Short course I- II ECD/ Pre-primary Education O

10 Diversity in Learning Materials
Graded literacy and continuing education materials Package materials on selected themes Diversity in format of learning materials Combination of centrally supplied and locally developed materials Diversity in the contents of materials

11 Sharing Roles of Stakeholders
Collaborative programs Sponsoring activities Technical support Financing Support for management capacity development Supply of materials and equipment Sharing management responsibilities Expanding networks Community Local government NGOs Government agencies Private companies Education institutions Banks Micro-Finance Institutions Training institutions

12 Shared management of CLCs
Organized & managed by the groups of users in collaboration with the local community & back-up support from DAM The overall management is the responsibility of the management committee Direct/indirect support from local government bodies and community leaders Local resource mobilization DAM support for capacity enhancement & management improvement

13 Basic step for sustainability of CLC: Preparing the Community
Courtyard meeting for social actions Social mobilization using folk media

14 Facilitating diversity & sustainability through micro-level network of CLCs

15 Community Resource Centre (CRC)
Local networking of CLCs Facilitating social mobilization on critical issues Facilitating access to information by the grassroots people Availing updated market information Publishing news bulletin at local level Availing IT services at rural level Supporting further education

16 CLC Networking A sustainable strategy to attain EFA Goals
CRC Gano kendra RVTC Life Skills NFPE Information networking Voc. Training EFA Life Skills Literacy ECD Life Skills

17 Further details on Ganokendra & CRC is available in the booklet
Thank you For information on Dhaka Ahsania Mission Further details on Ganokendra & CRC is available in the booklet

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