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Consultants’ Meeting to develop a guidance document on management of large amounts of radioactive waste after an emergency situation 04, Feb. – 08, Feb.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultants’ Meeting to develop a guidance document on management of large amounts of radioactive waste after an emergency situation 04, Feb. – 08, Feb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultants’ Meeting to develop a guidance document on management of large amounts of radioactive waste after an emergency situation 04, Feb. – 08, Feb. 2013

2 OVERVIEW IAEA Action Plan WASSC Activities IEM-4
Expected outcome of the activity Work Plan

Safety Vulnerabilities Peer Reviews Emergency Preparedness and Response Regulatory Bodies Operating Organisations IAEA Safety Standards Communication Protection of People + Environment Research + Development Legal Framework Embarking Countries Capacity Building Link to Actions Actions on IAEA Secretariat Member States Other Relevant Stakeholders 12 actions & 39 sub actions Adopted by Board of Governors Endorsed by All Member States

Action Plan 10. PROTECTION FROM IONIZING RADIATION A.P.10) Ensure the on-going protection of people and the environment from ionizing radiation following a nuclear emergency. 10.2 MSs, IAEA and stakeholders to facilitate the use of available information, expertise and techniques regarding the removal of damaged nuclear fuel and the management and disposal of radioactive waste resulting from a nuclear emergency

5 WASSC Activities on Action Plans(1)
WG of WASSC(Waste Safety Standard Committee) ‘Implications of the Fukushima Accident on Waste SSs’ Conclusions: most requirements are applicable also to post-accident conditions  No need to be amended; the requirements should not be too prescriptive; the problems that Japan is facing are not necessarily all safety-related; and identified a series of issues; some for WASSC and others being common with RASSC and/or NUSSC..

6 WASSC Activities on Action Plans(2)
Identified issues WSI - 1) Management of large amounts of contaminated waste - solid and liquid - resulting from remediation (including monitoring criteria and decision on reuse/ recycling). WSI - 2) Acceleration of licensing process to ensure availability of treatment / storage / disposal facilities for the type and amount of wastes generated during an accident or as a result of remediation activities. Advice: Guidance related to these issues should be drafted. (SG level or through other safety-related documents)

7 Action Plan 11. COMMUNICATION
A.P.11) Enhance transparency and effectiveness of communication and improve dissemination. 11.4 The IAEA Secretariat to organize international experts meetings to analyse all relevant technical aspects and learn the lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident

8 International Expert Meeting (1)
International Expert Meeting on Decommissioning and Remediation after a Nuclear Accident (28.Jan-01.Feb) Decommissioning, environmental remediation and associated WM challenges resulting from nuclear and radiological accidents Review of experience and strategic lessons learned from past accidents and legacy situations Challenges in decommissioning and remediation Management of radioactive waste and damaged fuel Decommissioning standards and technologies Improving national and international cooperation for managing the post-accident phase of nuclear and radiological accidents

9 International Expert Meeting (2)
Session V-A: Generation and Management of Materials and Waste 4 presentations and panel discussions - WM strategy and the licensing process Management of RW from remediation in USA - Management of large amount of waste from Chernobyl - Experience of the WISMUT with large amount of RW + presentations from various remediation practices / post accident management addressed on waste management issues

10 International Expert Meeting (3)
Key Issues identified / discussed Disastrous events may disturb completely an orderly established system (licensing, WM, responsibilities, …).  Such events are characterized by many uncertainties and unforeseen issues, such as: Issues related to the management of huge amounts of waste; A variety of wastes and a variety of chemical and isotopic composition (mixed wastes / new type of waste) “not organized storage for not organized waste”.

11 International Expert Meeting (4)
Key Issues identified / discussed (cont.) Explore and implement experiences from past accidents or from legacy remediation activities (success story for remediation of legacy sites & struggles in WM after accidents). “what SHOULD NOT do “ and “what SHOULD do” Optimize siting activities in view of existing circumstances and in view of limiting transport activities. Take into account interdependencies between management steps and between decommissioning/remediation activities and waste management. Public involvement as soon as possible with the aim of building confidence/trust.

12 International Expert Meeting (5)
Findings and Recommendations identified Development of appropriate strategies for radioactive waste management and plans for emergency situations in advance  “what should not be done” and “what should be done”.  Optimization considering circumstances/waste volume etc. Importance of characterization for reducing uncertainties Regulatory challenge to clearly allocate responsibilities / to provide in a short term licensing process Strategy for decommissioning / remediation should take into account appropriate WM strategy A practical guidance to be developed on how to apply international standards in accident situations and also for existing situations considering the need for flexible application.

13 Expected outcome of activity
OBJECTIVES To provide a document focusing on the safety of RW management after emergency situations. To provide suggestions to regulators, governments, and operators that are consistent with IAEA Safety Standards (GSR PART 5, SSR-5, WS.G-3.1 etc.)

14 Expected outcome of activity(2)
Topics of interest How to develop a strategy for WM Responsibilities of stakeholders How to develop and adapt licensing procedure /framework What to consider for WM at the early stage of the recovery work (should not do / should do) How to develop safety cases in line with the waste management strategy, in particular for - predisposal management of RW - interim storage facilities - disposal facilities Difference of waste characteristics / SC development etc. Minimum requirement for ensuring long term safety What to prepare in advance to an accident

15 Work Plan Oct first CS: brainstorming / identification of major topics Feb nd CS: - Clarification of scope of the document - Structure / outline of the document - Work plan June(?) rd CS (in Japan or in Vienna) Discussion & data collection from Japan / Drafting Nov. (?) th CS (in Vienna) Preparation of final draft (including recommendations to DS468)

16 Outcome from the first consultancy
Background & Introduction Topics that should be addressed in the guidance document Outline of the output document Information necessary to be collected Work plan (Consultancy, site visit, TM, WS etc.) e.g.) Site visit Purpose Focus - Target Information to be investigated / collected - How to utilize the output

17 References IAEA Safety Standards & Publications DPP for DS468
Presentations from IEM-1 on Safety of NPP and SP facilities Presentations from IEM-4 on Decommissioning and Remediation Data provided during 1st consultancy CSS Mar 2012

18 References (2) IAEA Publications (excluding Safety Standards)
Revised Guidance on the Principles for Establishing Intervention Levels for the Protection of the Public in the Event of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, IAEA TECDOC 473 Clean-up of Large Areas Contaminated as a result of a Nuclear Accident, TRS-300 Management of Severely Damaged Nuclear Fuel and Related Waste, TRS-321 Planning for Clean-up of Large Areas Contaminated as a result of a Nuclear Accident , TRS-327 Disposal of Waste from the Clean-up of Large Areas Contaminated as a result of a Nuclear Accident, TRS-330

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