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Protected Wildlife along the river Krka.

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Presentation on theme: "Protected Wildlife along the river Krka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protected Wildlife along the river Krka

2 The living world of Krka National Park is very rich and diverse, with numerous endemic, rare and threatened species.

3 Endemic plants and animals
There are ten fish species that are endemic to the Adriatic river basins: Adriatic salmon, huchen, Adriatic dace, Dalmatian rudd, Croatian dace, Dalmatian barbel gudgeon, Adriatic barbel, Illyric ide, Visovac goby and the Dalmatian minnow.

4 Endemic plants: The chimney bellflower is an Adriatic/Illyrian endemic species. The chimney bellflower is found throughout Krka National Park, growing on rock crevices and stone walls, on rocky slopes and rocky pastures and open areas with deciduous thickets. Grassy bells is a plant that is endemic to the coastal areas of the Dinaric mountain range, and grows on rocky and sunny grasslands from the coast to high altitudes.

5 Endangered wildlife On the European endangered species list can be found in Krka National Park: greater horseshoe bat, wolf, otter and wild cat.

6 Along the river is staying nine endangered bird
Along the river is staying nine endangered bird. These are: the pygmy cormorant, bittern, golden eagle, Bonelli's eagle, peregrine falcon, merlin, Little Crake, Spotted Crake and great lark.

7 Protected plants Along the river Krka live Illyrian iris and marsh iris, both strictly protected by law.

8 Made by: Ela Koludrović

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