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Total Number of New Faculty and Faculty that Left,

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1 Total Number of New Faculty and Faculty that Left, 2013-14
Dental Assisting (N=111) Dental Hygiene (N=189) Dental Lab Tech (N=7) Total (N=307) New Faculty Count % Full-Time 63 32.8% 151 25% 14 53.8% 228 27.7% Part-Time 129 67.2% 454 75% 12 46.2% 595 72.3% 192 100% 605 26 823 (N=78) (N=161) (N=5) (N=244) Faculty that Left 44 37% 66 28.7% 6 54.5% 136 31.6% 75 63% 214 71.3% 5 45.5% 294 68.4% 119 300 11 430 Source: American Dental Education Association, Survey of Allied Dental Program Directors, 2014

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