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Prewriting: Organizing Ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Prewriting: Organizing Ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prewriting: Organizing Ideas
Introduction Planning your organization Chronological order Spatial order Logical order Order of importance Creating an outline Your Turn 1: Choose an order Your Turn 2: Arrange ideas

2 Have you ever baked a cake?
Introduction Have you ever baked a cake? It’s not hard, but for the best results it helps if you plan ahead. The same holds true for writing.

3 Introduction You may wonder how you can turn the ideas and information you’ve collected for your topic from a disorganized mess into a coherent composition. Organizing your ideas makes order out of chaos.

4 Planning your organization
Writing the first draft of your paper will be much easier if you first plan the organization your work will follow. Here is one way to plan your organization: Copy the ideas and information you’ve gathered onto note cards. Then, move the cards around, placing them in different positions, until you find an organization that works.

5 Planning your organization
Most writing uses one or a combination of the following organizational patterns: Chronological order Spatial order Logical order Order of importance

6 Planning your organization Chronological order
Use chronological order to tell a story or explain a process. Present actions and events in the order in which they take place—first to last, earliest to latest, and so on. Growing Sweet Peas Protect seedlings from birds and slugs Soak seeds in water overnight; plant an inch deep Keep seeds damp until they sprout Dig trenches in full sun; fill with good soil

7 Planning your organization Chronological order
Another strategy for arranging ideas in chronological order is to use a sequence chart or time line. sequence chart Soak seeds in water overnight Buy seeds Dig trenches; fill with good soil Keep seeds damp until they sprout Protect seedlings from birds and slugs; enjoy the flowers! Plant seeds an inch deep; cover with good soil

8 Planning your organization Chronological order
time line Soak seeds in water overnight; plant an inch deep Dig trenches in full sun; fill with good soil Protect seedlings from birds and slugs Keep seeds damp until they sprout Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

9 Planning your organization Spatial order
Use spatial order to describe a place, a person, or an object. Arrange your details or ideas according to their location in space: Layers of Skin top to bottom, bottom to top outside to inside near to far, far to near Epidermis: outer layer; new skin cells formed here Dermis: contains blood vessels and sweat glands left to right, right to left inside to outside, outside to inside Hypodermis: the deepest layer; helps insulate

10 Planning your organization Spatial order
In addition to using note cards, you can use a circle diagram or web diagram to show ideas in spatial order. circle diagram outside Layers of Skin epidermis dermis hypodermis inside inside to outside outside to inside

11 Planning your organization Spatial order
web diagram Top suitcases decorations Left tools workbench Right mower pruner garage Bottom car bikes

12 Planning your organization Logical order
You’ll use logical order when you want to explain or classify. Group related details or ideas together to show their relationship. defining Form is important Skates have longer blades dividing a topic into parts Skates have shorter blades comparing and contrasting Hockey stick, helmet, skates Speed is important No equipment besides skates

13 Planning your organization Logical order
You’ll use logical order when you want to explain or classify. Group related details or ideas together to show their relationship. Figure Skating Hockey defining Form is important Skates have longer blades dividing a topic into parts Skates have longer blades Skates have shorter blades Skates have shorter blades comparing and contrasting Hockey stick, helmet, skates Form is important Speed is important Speed is important No equipment besides skates No equipment besides skates Hockey stick, helmet, skates

14 Planning your organization Logical order
Charts or Venn diagrams are also good ways to organize ideas and details in logical order. chart Hockey Figure Skating shorter blades longer blades Skates hockey stick, helmet, skates skates Equipment speed form Form or Speed?

15 Planning your organization Logical order
Venn diagram Figure Skating Hockey skates have longer blades form is important no equipment besides skates skates have shorter blade speed is important hockey stick, helmet, skates Skate in a rink or on a pond Wear skates

16 Planning your organization Order of importance
Use order of importance when you want to inform or persuade readers. Arrange your ideas from least to most important or least to most powerful (or vice versa). most important least important Dress appropriately 1 Turn off your cell phone 3 Arrive at the interview 10 minutes early 4 Before, think about possible questions 2 Be courteous to everyone you encounter 5 Shake hands firmly 6

17 Planning your organization Order of importance
Another way to arrange your ideas in order of importance is to use a pyramid diagram. dress appropriately most important think about possible questions turn off cell phone arrive early be courteous firm handshake least important

18 Creating an outline With some types of writing, such as fact-based informative writing, an outline can be helpful in organizing both broad ideas and specific details. Thesis: Preparing for a job interview is not difficult when you follow a few basic steps. I. Prepare for possible questions. A. Consider the kind of job you are interviewing for. 1. research the company 2. think about why you want to work there 3. how are you a good fit? B. Don’t memorize your answers. 1. know your main points 2. be ready to explain your answers

19 Your Turn 1: Choose an order
What kind of organization—spatial, logical, chronological, order of importance—would you use in writing about each of the topics below? Be prepared to discuss your answers. a description of your favorite outdoor place the events of a typical summer day what you would do with one million dollars comparing and contrasting two favorite animals

20 Your Turn 2: Arrange ideas
Choose one of the topics below and brainstorm some ideas for writing about that topic. Come up with 10–12 ideas. Then, use one of the graphic organizers presented in this lesson to arrange your ideas. a description of your favorite outdoor place the events of a typical summer day what you would do with one million dollars comparing and contrasting two favorite animals

21 The End

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