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Unit 3 Theme: Great Ideas

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1 Unit 3 Theme: Great Ideas
Problems can be solved by working together. Why is it important for people to work together when they are solving a problem? What are some great ideas for solving ecological problems, like producing renewable sources of energy?

2 Weekly Theme: The Old Southwest
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Weekly Theme: The Old Southwest Talk about it: Many settlers came to the Southwest during the 18th and 19th centuries. What do you know about these settlers?

3 Unit 3 ● Week 1

4 What responsibilities might a foreman have?
Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 1 Foreman A boss What responsibilities might a foreman have?

5 What qualities does a good employee have?
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words Employee Employ Employer Employment Someone who works for another person or company. What qualities does a good employee have?

6 When have you gritted your teeth?
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words Gritted Pressed together hard When have you gritted your teeth?

7 Describe a promise you plan to fulfill.
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words Fulfill Fulfillment fulfilling Finish something satisfactorily Describe a promise you plan to fulfill.

8 gloated Key Words Showed mean-spirited satisfaction; bragged
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words gloated Showed mean-spirited satisfaction; bragged When have you gloated?

9 What other kinds of things need care to flourish?
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words flourish Flourishing To thrive and grow strong What other kinds of things need care to flourish?

10 What is a synonym for vigorously?
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words Vigorously vigor Vigorous invigorating To do something with energy and force What is a synonym for vigorously?

11 How is responding gleefully different than responding thoughtfully?
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Key Words gleefully Glee Gleeful To do something with cheer How is responding gleefully different than responding thoughtfully?

12 Name: ___________________
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Vocabulary Assessment If a business was flourishing, would it: 1. be losing money? Yes No 2. be able to build another office? Yes No 3. need to hire more employees? Yes No Which events would most people attend gleefully? 4. a funeral Yes No 5. a birthday party Yes No 6. dentist appointment Yes No REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE REPLACING THE UNDERLINED WORDS WITH 7. The basketball player gritted his teeth after he was thrown out of the game for gloating. ___________________________________________________________________

13 Name: ___________________
Unit 3 ● Week 1 Vocabulary Assessment Would an employee: 8. make all the decisions? Yes No 9. follow directions from a supervisor? Yes No 10. be responsible for firing other employees? Yes No If Jeffrey felt fulfilled after completing the project, would he: 11. celebrate with his team? Yes No 12. be embarrassed to turn it in? Yes No 13. feel like he needed to do more work on it? Yes No REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE REPLACING THE UNDERLINED WORDS WITH 14. John shook his head vigorously when the foreman asked him to work on Christmas. ___________________________________________________________________

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