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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY & CELLULAR RESPIRATION"— Presentation transcript:



3 We eat and breathe to get energy, carbon dioxide as waste and water.

4 ATP Adenosine triphosphate
ATP - immediate usable energy supply for cells. All activities require ATP 10 million molecules of ATP are generated per second for a working muscle.

5 Three stages of respiration
Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport

6 Glycolysis Occurs in cytosol No O2 needed
Glucose (sugar) is changed to 2 pyruvates ATP produced - only 2 NADH is also produced from the following reaction: NAD+ + H  NADH - NAD + acts as a taxi - takes H to another step


8 Citric Acid Cycle The 2 pyruvates from glycolysis enter the Citric acid cycle after being groomed Grooming brings pyruvate into mitochondria by changing it Changes are: - another NADH is produced - CO2 given off - turns pyruvate into acetyl CoA What does pyruvate enter the citric acid cycle as?


10 Entering Citric Acid Cycle
Acetyl CoA enters Citric Acid cycle CAC can only take one at a time so it must turn 2 times since there’s 2 acetyl CoA per glucose molecule


12 Citric Acid Cycle Produces
After 2 turns of the cycle these are produced 6 NADH 2 FADH 4 CO2 2 ATP

13 Oxidative Phosphorylation
Occurs in inner membrane of mitochondria 2 things happening together - electron transport chain - chemiosmosis Uses NADH and FADH to produce ATP

14 Electron Transport Chain
H are removed from the NADH and FADH H’s are passed from one molecule to another until they end up on oxygen. What will this produce? The passing of the H’s creates a force that causes chemiosmosis water

15 Chemiosmosis A complex of proteins called ATP synthase produces ATP
The force for this is the movement of the electrons and protons due to the reactions of NADH and FADH


17 Poisons interrupt cellular respiration


19 Fermentation An anaerobic alternative to cellular respiration
Glycolysis is the 1st step Two types: - alcohol (ethanol) fermentation - lactic acid fermentation


21 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Produces: - the 2 ATP from glycolysis - lactic acid Muscle cells do this when O2 in high demand

22 Lactic Acid Fermentation

23 Alcohol Fermentation Yeast cells do this Produces:
- the 2 ATP from glycolysis - Co2 - alcohol (ethanol)

24 Alcohol Fermentation


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