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All Cells Change Fuel (Food) into Energy

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Presentation on theme: "All Cells Change Fuel (Food) into Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 All Cells Change Fuel (Food) into Energy
Food is the fuel that our body uses to create energy. When fuel is changed into energy, heat is released

2 How do we get energy from food? Which foods give you the most energy?
Turn and talk to the person sitting closest to you. You have two minutes to discuss how energy comes from food. Think about what you have learned about digestion…..

3 Do you know what a calorie is?
Which of the following is the best definition for the word calorie: a. Fat or something that is fattening b. A measurement of the energy that is in food c. The numbers that are on the side of food packaging d. Something in food that is bad for you

4 How do scientists determine how many calories are in a food?

5 Energy can be measured as heat

6 Question… What is released when gas is burned?
What is released when wood is burned? What is released when food is burned?

7 Prepare for an experiment…
You will be given three different kinds of food: A marshmallow, a walnut, and a Cheeto. Question: Which food do you think contains the most calories? Which food would give you the most energy?

8 We are going to make our own calorimeter with these materials…
1 Tote tray 4 marshmallows 4 walnuts 1 candle 2 dissecting needles 2 thermometer 2 large test tubes 1 test tube rack 2 test tube clamps 2 50-mL graduated cylinders 1 400-mL beaker, filled with water 1 250-mL beaker, filled with water 4 paper towels 1 pie pan

9 Procedure- Steps in your experiment
Measure 30 mL of water into 3 test tubes Take the temperature of the water with a thermometer Put a food item on a dissecting needle and hold it underneath a test tube. Ignite the food with a butane torch. Time how long it takes the food to burn. After the food stops burning, take the temperature of the water in the test tube. Record how long the food burned and what the change was in the water’s temperature (new temperature – original temperature)

10 Heat is Energy Follow-Up….
Do the cells in your body release heat energy? You will receive a cup of water. Take the temperature of the water. Now blow into the water steadily with a straw for one minute. Take the temperature of the water again. What happened?

11 Exit Card What is one thing that you learned during the inquiry today?
What is one question that you have after the inquiry today?

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