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WFA.62 – Outside Professional Activities

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1 WFA.62 – Outside Professional Activities
Business Process Approach

2 Outside Professional Activities: Business Process
In-Scope: Recording, approving, and reporting on Outside Professional Activities performed by Senior Management Group (SMG) members, deans, and Faculty Administrators, as required by Regents Policy 7707 and APM-240 Out-of-Scope: Recording OPAs for faculty members, as required by APM-025 & APM-671 Current State 1. At SMG Coordinator’s Request, SMGs submit preliminary OPAs to approving authorities using paper form 2. Approving Authorities approve and/or request revised preliminary OPAs & route to SMG Coordinator for record keeping 3. At end of OPA year, SMG coordinator requests final Outside Professional Activities on paper form 4. SMG Coordinator enters final OPAs into Senior Leadership Information System (SLIS) and produces OPA report for UCOP Note: As is true in SLIS, only the SMG Coordinator (or designate) will have access to the UCPath OPA tool Future State 1. At SMG Coordinator’s Request, SMGs submit preliminary OPAs (or midyear report) to approving authorities using paper form 2a. Approving authorities review preliminary OPAs & route approved OPAs to SMG Coordinator for record keeping 3. SMG Coordinator enters preliminary OPAs into UCPath 4. At end of OPA year, SMG coordinator requests final Outside Professional Activities on paper form, utilizing preliminary data in UCPath 5. SMG Coordinator finalizes OPA data in UCPath & produces report for UCOP 2b. Approving authorities escalate proposed OPAs that raise concerns to the systemwide Independent Review Committee Note: For the purposes of this document, ‘SMG’ is shorthand for ‘SMGs, Deans, and Faculty administrators’ 11/21/2018 FOM|UCPath – Position Management

3 Outside Professional Activities: Benefits of Approach
Leverage Existing Forms – No technical build; minimal change impact to SMG members Record Preliminary OPAs in UCPath – Reduces the workload at the end of the year, when the OPA report is due. Restrict access to the UCPath OPA page to SMG Coordinator (or designate) – As is true in the current state, the SMG Coordinator will retain responsibility for entering OPAs into UCPath and preparing the final OPA report for UCOP. Next Steps/Development work No anticipated development work

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