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English Teaching Sequence

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1 English Teaching Sequence
Our English units run in 3 week units: Week 1: Exploring and Responding Week 2: Language and Skills Week 3: Planning, Writing and Publishing

2 The first day of the unit begins with some sort of prediction activity… e.g. Slow Reveal of front cover Wordle of first paragraph Book trailer Questions for a picture


4 Wordle

5 What do you think the story will be about?
Who do the eyes belong to? Is it a good or bad character? Why do you think this? What is it looking at?

6 …followed by a written prediction using answer stems
e.g. I think that the book will be about … The eyes belong to… In my opinion, it will be a … character… because … When I saw …, I thought it must be looking at … Because of all the points that I have detailed above, I think that …

7 Exploring and Responding

8 For the rest of the week, we explore the book and respond to it
For the rest of the week, we explore the book and respond to it. We might look at how the character is feeling… Hot seat Freeze frame Mood graph

9 or introduce new activities based on the text that we can then use during our Reading lessons…
Sequencing Fact/ Opinion True/ False Genre sorting

10 We sometimes add extra texts to help to build the context…
non-fiction text e.g. a newspaper article poem

11 Week 2 Language and Skills
In week 2, we look at an example text which models the genre that the children will be writing. Language is unpicked first and strategies given for working out meaning from its context… ‘Word of the Week’

12 Language and Skills We then build the skills that the children will need by identifying and teaching contextualised grammar points… e.g. prepositions relative clauses present/ past tense

13 Language and Skills

14 Week 3 Planning, Writing and Publishing
The third and final week is spent putting together an extended piece of writing. Each child will apply all the knowledge and skills developed during the previous two weeks.

15 Planning, Writing and Publishing

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