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Damien House Bringing dignity to the lives of people affected by Hansens.

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Presentation on theme: "Damien House Bringing dignity to the lives of people affected by Hansens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Damien House Bringing dignity to the lives of people affected by Hansens


3 Mission We are an institution established to contribute to the study, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with the affliction of Hansens disease (Leprosy) We are an institution established to contribute to the study, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with the affliction of Hansens disease (Leprosy) We are committed to offering specialized medical attention, such as psycological, spiritual, and social services, in every manner in order to bring dignity to the patients We are committed to offering specialized medical attention, such as psycological, spiritual, and social services, in every manner in order to bring dignity to the patients Sister Annie and Segundo Moncada


5 Vision The principle goal is to eliminate the stigma that has been created regarding the disease, informing all that Hansens has a cure and with basic medication Hansens disease can be erradicated


7 Objectives 1) Provide complete medical care to those affected by Hansens 2) Help patients reintegrate into society 3) Provide education to correct the myths of the disease

8 Objectives 4) Help patients carry on a life of dignity and love, regardless of their condition 5) Provide necesary psychological and spiritual services to patients and their families 6) Provide support to the families of patients in situtations of need

9 Open House The patients work with members of the Office of Public Health to generate an educational campaign to combat the recurring fear of Hansens patients

10 Occupational Therapy The majority of patients make crafts as a means to compliment their physical therapy by keeping their hands and feet active The majority of patients make crafts as a means to compliment their physical therapy by keeping their hands and feet active In this way the patients fight the effects of nerve atrophy caused by the disease In this way the patients fight the effects of nerve atrophy caused by the disease

11 The crafts generate a small income that provides economic support to the patients and raises their self- esteem The crafts generate a small income that provides economic support to the patients and raises their self- esteem The crafts include: dolls, embroidery, nativity sets, jewelry, model houses, peace birds, hammocks, etc The crafts include: dolls, embroidery, nativity sets, jewelry, model houses, peace birds, hammocks, etc

12 Former Patients 12 former patients, now fully recovered, work at the Damien House 12 former patients, now fully recovered, work at the Damien House 4 of these individuals have received scholarships provided by groups in the US who support the foundation 4 of these individuals have received scholarships provided by groups in the US who support the foundation

13 Facilities The maximum capacity of in-patients fluctuates between 30-40 men and 10 women, the majority of whom live at Damien House The maximum capacity of in-patients fluctuates between 30-40 men and 10 women, the majority of whom live at Damien House This is due to the fact that many of the patients were abandoned by their families and the effects of the untreated disease require constant care This is due to the fact that many of the patients were abandoned by their families and the effects of the untreated disease require constant care

14 The patios for rest and relaxation Damien House really is a home

15 The new building, financed by the Japanese Embassy with space for: Pharmacy, therapy, wound care, consultations, etc The Chapel

16 We create an atmosphere that the patients deserve

17 Few patients receive family visits; we have two patients who have lived in the hospital since 1966 and two others since 1975 Few patients receive family visits; we have two patients who have lived in the hospital since 1966 and two others since 1975 Those present at the Foundation, both workers and volunteers alike, represent the true family of the patientsgiving them the care and attention everyone deserves Those present at the Foundation, both workers and volunteers alike, represent the true family of the patientsgiving them the care and attention everyone deserves

18 Services Offered There are 48 in-patients at Damien House and approximately 360 out-patients There are 48 in-patients at Damien House and approximately 360 out-patients Everyday, 12-15 external patients visit the hospital to receive their consultation Everyday, 12-15 external patients visit the hospital to receive their consultation

19 Services Offered Consultations Consultations –Clinical –Eye –Dental –Ear, Nose, and Throat –Gynocological Surgeries Surgeries –Major and minor –Amputations, including donated prostheses Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Medicine Medicine A balanced diet A balanced diet –In-patients: 3 meals every day –Out-patients: Meals according to consultations All of our patients receive the following without cost:

20 Pharmacy Services

21 Miracle Surgeries: Nerve Decompression This year, we will complete 65 Miracle Surgery nerve decompression cases for patients of Damien House

22 Miracle Surgeries Before the surgery, the patients did not have sensation nor the strength to do simple things in life Now, they can hold their children, open jars, sew shirts, etc!

23 BeforeAfter

24 Miracle Surgeries Thanks to God and all the support from the medical team who provide the opportunity to improve the quality of life for the patients We have done great things with the patients who have received the surgeries However, the reality is there is more to be done We must continue informing the public and fighting for the rights of all Hansens patients, who deserve the opportunity to live with dignity like all human beings JOIN US IN THIS GREAT CAUSE!

25 THE HAND THAT GIVES…RECEIVES Thank You! All of you are part of our family!

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