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How to edit the title slide

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1 Insights on industrial usage from EUCALL Graham Appleby – European XFEL Facility
How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (36 pt) Lower area (subtitle): your name and affiliation, max. 1 rows of the defined size (28 pt)

2 Light Sources in Europe
Accelerator-based RIs (SR, FEL) Successful and large user program Increasing complexity (OLs, FELs, …) X-rays reach diffraction limit & non-linear regime Optical laser methods applied Optical-laser based RIs (ELI, LLE faci.) High power laser (HPL) New and ramping up HPLs as sources of UV and x-ray beams UV/x-ray methods provided to users

3 European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources
EUCALL is a network between large-scale user facilities for: free-electron laser (FEL) radiation synchrotron radiation (SR) optical laser radiation Under EUCALL, they work together on: common technologies and research opportunities tools to sustain this interaction in the future Facts and figures: 7M€ from Horizon 2020 for project period Oct Oct 2018 11 partners from nine countries, two further clusters, two associate partners Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

4 European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources

5 EUCALL’s Strategic Goals and Objectives
Develop & implement cross-cutting services for XFEL, ESRF and ELI Optimize use of advanced laser light sources in Europe. Stimulate & support common long-term strategies & research policies Goals Analyze & promote efficient use of facilities Identify & develop combined research potential Analyze & promote innovation potential by the ensemble of facilities Objectives WP 3 WP 4 - WP 7 Identify joint foresight topics in science & research policy Develop & implement a simulation platform Develop ultrafast data acquisition Develop ultrafast sample handling systems Develop advanced beam diagnostics

6 WP3 – Innovation Potential of EUCALL
Joint Development of Technology with Industry Protection and Commercialization of Intellectual Property Commercial Access to Advanced Laser Light Sources Goal: Analyse the situation and innovation potential of the individual RIs of this project Develop and recommend strategies for the exploitation of new opportunities arising from the cooperation between accelerator-based and laser-based RIs Deliverable Report: Synergy and Innovation Potential of EUCALL [ ] Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

7 WP3 – Innovation Potential of EUCALL
Questions asked to Technology Transfer groups at each RI How is your RI used by SME/industry (or will be in future)? 1. Do you have concrete expectations by your funding bodies to provide your facility for SME/industry usage? If yes, what is the targeted ratio? 2. Have you targeted specific areas of industrial usage? Can you explain which ones? 3. Which level of support for SME/Industry do you provide? Have you installed a dedicated group or people for this support? If yes, how many. If not, how do you manage? 4. Access models 5. Do you have a cost model for industry access in place? If yes, can you explain? 6. Which measures you have in place to attract SME/industry users? 7. Can you provide any success stories of established long-term collaboration with an industrial user? 8. Can you provide any names of your industrial users, whom we may be able to contact for another survey? Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

8 WP3 – Innovation Potential of EUCALL
Research Infrastructure Type of RI Percent of Beamtime sold to industrial users Hourly cost for the beamtime (proprietary access, full costs) Scientific/Non-scientific personnel of the ILO2 DESY SR & FEL - Diamond Light Source SR Elettra ELI-ALPS HPL1 ELI-Beamlines ELI-NP ESRF European XFEL FEL1 HZDR3 HPL MAX IV Lab. SR1 PSI SR & FEL1 SOLEIL Brookhaven National Laboratory SPring-8 [Data to be published later] Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

9 Industrial Use of Synchrotron Radiation
XRD XAS SAXS Tom. PEEM IRS UV/VIS XPS Lab Total Agriculture & Food Science 2 1 - 3 Chemicals 4 Construction & Engineering 7 13 Environment & Energy 5 Home & Personal Care Life Science & Biotechnology 10 Material Science & Nanotechnology 12 16 49 Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View Synchrotron technique and industrial category of Science Link’s 49 accepted industrial proposals. Science Link - DESY, HZB, HZG, MAX-Lab [2012 – 2014]

10 Initial Outcomes of WP3 analysis
Industrial Liaison Office staff RI hires ILO administrators while beamline scientists (BLS) perform measurements RI hires ILO administrators and own industrial liaison scientists (ILS) In some cases, ILS shares duties as BLS PSI (10%), SOLEIL (2-3%) with only one ILS employed, BLS does most measurements ESRF (2%) with four ILS employed Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

11 Initial Outcomes of WP3 analysis
Diamond Light Source’s ILO 5% of all beamtime is industrial ~10 Industrial Liaison Scientists employed full time at Diamond to perform industrial measurements and the subsequent data analysis and reporting. Each ILS is a specialist (having a PhD) in one or two of the x-ray techniques offered to industrial users. The access fees paid by the industrial user are the main source of Diamond’s funding to pay the ILSs’ salaries. Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

12 Support of beamline scientists
Some RI beamline scientists are not highly motivated for commercial industrial collaboration. A lot of work needed, no publication possible Sometimes the industrial fees not ever “seen” by the BLS BLS allocates tasks to PhD student or similar Tasks are treated “low priority” by scientist Results and analysis/reports slow to be made ready Methods to address this can considered by EUCALL. Reward for industrial measurement? Funding for equipment, travel Case-study Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View Follow up to PSI and SOLEIL about their BLS service

13 External service providers
PSI, MAX-IV, ESRF collaborate with external service provider company Excelsus Structural Solutions (PSI spin off) XRD Colloidal Resource Limited (Lund) SAXS, EXAFS NOVITOM (Grenoble/Saclay) X-ray Imaging Employ PhD level scientists with experience in experimental techniques Perform own marketing and consultancy Have own “lab sources” for some analysis competence Buys commercial beamtime from the light-source, perform measurements, analysis, reports Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

14 Peer-reviewed industrial access
A significant portion of industrial access is via peer-reviewed academic collaboration. An academic user performs the measurement at the RI and is obliged to publish their results. Many RIs don’t currently have statistics to measure how many of their academic users are working with industrial partners. This should be addressed because this should be the main contribution to innovation. Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

15 Initial Outcomes of WP3 analysis
Industrial measurements at operational FELs (FLASH and FERMI) are not yet well established. EUCALL’s analysis could develop concrete examples of industrial applications of FEL radiation (UV – x-ray). femtosecond-resolved dynamics application of beam coherence single particle/molecule imaging matter in extreme conditions This can also be the case for the industrial application of ELI’s RIs. attosecond-resolved dynamics beams of 20 MeV gamma rays ion beams Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

16 Initial Outcomes of WP3 analysis
Creation of better awareness within the industry for possibilities at RIs is a great challenge for RI operators. Even an industrial scientist with an own x-ray diffractometer on-site may be unfamiliar with the possibilities available with synchrotron XRD A task for EUCALL could be to make recommendations about how to improve this. Joint activities (SINE2020, CALIPSOplus, NFFA, CERIC-ERIC) seems to be a good way forward, if different facilities here are not “competing” with each other for customers Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View” > Slide Master: Edit the following items: 1. On the Title slide (second master slide) a) Click to add title of your talk b) Click to add subtitle (conference, location, name of the speaker, date) 2. On the Slide Master (first master slide) a) The 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field b) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. Close Master View

17 Summary and Outlook Most RI Operators consider average 2-5% beamtime for commercial access (some beamlines 0%, some much more) Important to recognise and promote most important techniques/instruments for commercial access Diamond Light Source has successful model Many industrial liaison scientists employed Some full-time beam scientists uninterested in industrial appl. Major bottleneck in communicating benefits of large RIs to industrial scientists Industrial application of new advanced RIs not well established Many RI cluster projects have many important outcomes

18 Thank you for your attention /
How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (36 pt) Lower area (subtitle): your name and affiliation, max. 1 rows of the defined size (28 pt)

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