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Career Development Efforts

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1 Career Development Efforts
Wisconsin’s Career Development Efforts Call to Action Next Steps

2 The Talent Silos K12 Education IHEs Workforce Development
Economic Development

3 Pathway Map State Endorsed Criteria, Regionally Specified Pathways,
Locally offered K12 Sequence of Courses Dual Enrollment Work-Based Learning Certification /Credential Postsecondary Options Work Registered Apprenticeship Military Technical College Public & Private University Careers Entry Level Mid Level Skilled/Technical Professional

4 Academic & Career Planning
How does it all fit together? STATE Academic & Career Planning REGION Career Pathway SCHOOL Program of Study STUDENT Academic & Career Plan A whole school PROCESS That actively engages students to develop an understanding of his or her self; create a vision of his or her future; define individual goals; & prepare a personal plan for achieving the vision & goals An ACP PLAN for Hi Skill Hi Demand Occupations That is led by industry & developed in collaboration with public partners to ensure that students move seamlessly through educational institutions, training opportunities, & work-based experiences to build skills & credentials with supportive strategies as needed. A SCHOOL ACP PLAN for Broad Occupational Areas (Clusters) That defines the school’s specific sequence of instruction based on standards, knowledge, & skills, consisting of coursework, cocurricular activities, worksite learning, service learning, & other locally available experiences. A STUDENT’s PERSONAL ACP PLAN That represents a fluid map of academic, career, & life goals reflecting a student’s unique set of interests, skills, learning, and graduation requirements.

5 Focus on SYSTEM Coordinated agreements, buy-in, efforts
Employer Led, Employer Capacity, Hi Level Company Cradle to Coffin, Life-Long Learning to navigate pathways Independent – not owned by one entity or public agency No one “program pushing” Communications – demonstrate connections Branded approach EQUITY & INCLUSION at the center Foster both sides to promote pathways system (public agencies & private sector)

6 Regional Map

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