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An approach that could lead to an amendment of the Directive 97/68/EC on emissions of NRMM Bruno Van Zeebroeck (Transport & Mobility), Arnoud Lust, Stijn.

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Presentation on theme: "An approach that could lead to an amendment of the Directive 97/68/EC on emissions of NRMM Bruno Van Zeebroeck (Transport & Mobility), Arnoud Lust, Stijn."— Presentation transcript:

1 An approach that could lead to an amendment of the Directive 97/68/EC on emissions of NRMM
Bruno Van Zeebroeck (Transport & Mobility), Arnoud Lust, Stijn Vermoote (ARCADIS) EC DG Enterprise, GEME Expert Group, April 22, 2008

2 Agenda Project partners Methodology ARCADIS (former Ecolas)
Transport & Mobility Methodology Apply lay out by choosing Title Slide (or insert New Slide and choose‚ lay out: Title Slide)

3 ARCADIS worldwide: Key Figures
A solid presence in Europe, North and South America More than 12,000 employees Over € 1.4 billion in annual gross revenues Top 3 in Europe and top 7 worldwide Quoted on EuroNext

4 ARCADIS Project references
Framework Contract on Commission Impact Assessments Lot 5 : environmental economics A study on the restriction on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) Directives Complementary Impact Assessment study on possible emission reduction measures for recreational marine craft engines

5 Transport and Mobility key facts
Research-consultancy Qualitative Policy support Share holders = research institutes TNO (Dutch research) KUL (Belgian university) Expertise Traffic-transport Economics (transport/mobility) Environment (transport/mobility) Social (transport/mobility) Impact assessments - Cost benefit analyses

6 Transport & Mobility: references
Emissions of NRMM-other than ship/rail (Flemish administration) Emissions of NRMM-ship and rail (Flemish administration) Impact assessment of solutions for trans alpine traffic Mid term assessment of the white paper ….

7 Methodology Apply lay out by choosing Title Slide (or insert New Slide and choose‚ lay out: Title Slide)

8 Background - objective
Review DIR 97/68/EC on emissions of NRMM Different options selected Choose which option? Impact - multi criteria analysis Environmental Economical Social

9 Project approach 1 Inception phase 3 Coordination 2 a datacollection
reporting Stakeholder and 2 b scenario impact meetings consultation analysis 2 c comparison of impacts

10 Task 0 : Inception phase Review the information of the study specified in the JRC report Clarify proposed actions/scenarios; Further detail the approach and methodology; Agree with the Commission on the final approach, the scope and the methodology.

11 Task 1 : preparatory phase
Outputs Product categories defined; Producer categories defined; Tentative causal model scheme; Methodology for data collection and for the identification of stakeholders and their consultation; Stakeholders for the collection of additional data identified;

12 Tentative causal model scheme
other industry EU dir. NRMM fuel technology NRMM stock Fuel producer Machinery producer emissions Machinery using sectors Consumer/ citizen air quality health (EU)-employment R&D efforts EU gen. Objectives Technology producer

13 Task 2: Impact Assessment: Thorough analysis of the impacts of the scenarios on the economy and the environment Sub-task 2.1.: Data collection Need determination Specific stakeholder consultation Sub-task 2.2.: Analyse the impacts of applying the scenarios Environmental - Social –economical impacts Most important impacts Quantitative where possible Sub-Task 2.3 : Compare the assessed impacts of the policy options through a multi-criteria analysis

14 Task 3. : Meetings and reporting
kick-off meeting ; first interim meeting and stakeholder consultation; second interim meeting and stakeholder consultation; final meeting. Where possible synergies with noise emission outdoor equipment assessment

15 Project schedule

16 Thank you for your attention
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17 Arcadis Belgium NV Roderveldlaan 3 Berchem (Antwerp) BELGIUM
Tel : Fax : Arnoud Lust, Business Development Manager Stijn Vermoote, project manager

18 Transport & Mobility Leuven
Vital Decosterstraat 67A bus 0001 3000 Leuven BELGIUM Tel Fax Bruno Van Zeebroeck, senior researcher

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