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Muscles of the Head and Neck

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Presentation on theme: "Muscles of the Head and Neck"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles of the Head and Neck
The Muscular System

2 General Muscle Terminology
Origin: stationary point of attachment Insertion: movable point of attachment Action: Anatomical movement that results from the contraction of the muscle

3 General Info: Facial muscles
Most muscles originate on the surface of the skull and insert into the dermis Create facial movements and expressions

4 Frontalis Action: raises eyebrow, wrinkles forehead

5 Occipitalis Action: tenses and retracts the scalp

6 Masseter Action: closes mandible Ex: closes mouth during chewing

7 Temporalis Action: elevates mandible
Ex: clenching your jaw, crushing food

8 Orbicularis oculi Action: closes eye Ex: blinking, squinting

9 Nasalis Action: compresses nostril

10 Zygomaticus Action: draws corner of mouth upward Ex: smiling

11 Buccinator Action: compresses cheeks Ex: playing a trumpet, whistling

12 Orbicularis oris Action: compresses, purses lips Ex: kissing

13 Depressor anguli oris Action: depresses corner of mouth Ex: frowning

14 Anatomy - Human frontalis temporalis Orbicularis oculi zygomaticus
masseter Orbicularis oris buccinator Depressor anguli platysma sternocleidomastoid

15 Epicranial aponeurosis
frontalis occipitalis temporalis Orbicularis oculi nasalis zygomaticus masseter buccinator sternoclediomastoid Orbicularis oris platysma

16 General Info: Neck muscles
Involved in Swallowing and chewing Moving your head and neck Supporting your head Anterior neck muscles work on the hyoid bone Suprahyoid muscles (above the hyoid) pull hyoid up Infrahyoid muscles (below the hyoid) pull hyoid down

17 Sternocleidomastoid Extends from the clavicles and the sternum to the mastoid region of the skull Actions: flexion of head, lateral flexion, rotation of head side to side

18 Platysma Action: tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible (opens mouth)

19 Digastric (“two bellies”)
Action: elevates hyoid bone when swallowing; depresses the mandible (opening mouth)

20 Mylohyoid Broad/flat muscle provides muscular floor to the mouth and helps press tongue to top of mouth

21 Sternohyoid Connects the hyoid bone to the sternum
Action: depresses hyoid bone and larynx

22 Sternothyroid Anchors the larynx to the sternum
Action: depresses hyoid bone and larynx

23 Stylohyoid Connects the hyoid bone to the styloid process of the skull
Action: elevates hyoid

24 digastric mylohyoid stylohyoid thyrohyoid omohyoid sternohyoid sternothyroid

25 Superficial muscles of the neck
Sternomastoid Cleidomastoid Sternohyoid Mylohyoid Digastric Masseter Sternomastoid = #18 Cleidomastoid = #6 Sternohyoid = #17 Mylohyoid = #11 Digastric = #7 Masseter = #10 TOO DEEP TO DISSECT Stylohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid

26 Digastric Mylohyoid Masseter Sternohyoid sternomastoid cleidomastoid


28 Name the muscle… Frontalis

29 Buccinator and orbicularis oris
Name the muscle… Buccinator and orbicularis oris

30 Name the muscle… Orbicularis oculi

31 Name the muscle… Platysma

32 Name the muscle… Orbicularis oris

33 Name the muscle… Depressor Anguli Oris

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