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School Name Address: Phone Number:

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1 School Name Address: Phone Number:
Welcome to our school orientation. This is our school. This is our address and phone number.

2 Our School Mission Insert school mission here
This is the mission of our school. It shows the goals of our school community.

3 Arrival & Dismissal Start time: _____:_________ AM End Time:
_____:_________ PM These are the times when our school day starts and ends. Students walk to school or are provided busing depending on where they live.

4 School Busing This is a school bus. School buses may provide transportation for your child to and from school depending how far you live from school. Students who ride a bus will be assigned a bus number. If you move to a new address please notify the school to make sure your child rides the correct bus to get to your new address.

5 Important Dates No School: Early Dismissal:
The dates listed above are important dates for you to know. On the left, these are days that there will be no school for students. On the right, these are days where school will dismiss early.

6 Closing due to Weather If there is a snow storm check the school website, news or radio to find out if your school is closed. You may receive a phone call that school is cancelled due to the weather.

7 Attendance Our district policy for school attendance is every student, every day. It is important that your child comes to school on time every day. If your child is sick please notify the school by calling the office or bringing in a doctor's note.

8 Main Office This is the main office. When visiting school, you should come to the main office first to sign in.

9 Principal Principal’s Name
This is the principal. They are the leader of the school.

10 Vice Principal Vice Principal’s Name
This is the Vice Principal. A Vice Principal supports the Principal.

11 Secretaries These are the Secretaries. They will be here to answer your questions and direct you to the person that can help you best.

12 Social Worker Social Worker’s Name
This is the school social worker. A social worker helps students when they have a problem.

13 School Nurse School Nurse’s Name
This is the school nurse. Your child may visit the nurse if they are not feeling well. Please contact the nurse if your child needs medications at school.

14 ENL Teachers ENL Teachers’ Names
These are the English as a New Language teachers that will be working with your child to learn English. ENL teachers will also help you and your family adjust to your new school.

15 Breakfast & Lunch Cafeteria
All students are provided with free breakfast and lunch at school. They eat lunch in the cafeteria. Students may also bring food to school if they choose. If your child has dietary restrictions please notify the nurse. Cafeteria

16 Personal Belongings Your child will have a cubby or locker to use at school to store their personal belongings. Please do not send children to school with belongings that are very valuable.

17 Religious Observances
Please speak to your guidance counselor, social worker, or ENL teacher during religious observances if assistance is needed.

18 Parent-Teacher Conferences
During the school year teachers will meet with parents and students to talk about their school work and how they are performing in the classroom. The school may be able to provide interpreters for conferences if requested.

19 Report Cards School report cards are sent home with students or mailed home. Please call the school or teacher if you have questions or concerns about your child’s education at any time during the school year.

20 Questions or Concerns Name of Contact Person: Phone Number:
We are here to help you. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Here is our contact information.

21 Welcome to Our School! We are excited for you to join our school community. Please let us know if there is anything you need.

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