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reef Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image.

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1 reef Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image.
1. One word in the selection is reef. Say it with me: reef. A reef is a strip of rock or coral that is near the surface of the water. Many fish and plants live in the coral reef. 2. En español, reef quiere decir “arrecife, un banco hecho de piedra o coral cerca de la superficie del agua.” Muchos peces y plantas viven en un arrecife de coral. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word reef. (Point to the reef.) This is a coral reef. It is made from the hard outer shell of tiny animals called coral. A coral reef is found in the ocean. PARTNER TALK 4. Work with a partner. Draw a picture of a reef. Include some of the plants and animals that might live there. Then share your drawing with the class. (Examples include: starfish, fish, sharks, seaweed) 5. With your partner, complete this sentence: A reef is like a home because ____________. 6. Now let’s say reef together three more times: reef, reef, reef. reef

2 partnership Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is partnership. Say it with me: partnership. A partnership is when two or more people or groups work together for a common purpose or good. I have a partnership with your parents to help you get a good education. We both work together to help you succeed in school. 2. En español, partnership quiere decir “asociación, cuando dos o más personas o grupos trabajan juntos por un fin común.” Sus padres y yo trabajamos juntos para que ustedes reciban una buena educación. Trabajamos juntos para ayudarles a triunfar en sus estudios. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word partnership. (Point to the fish and the plant.) These fish have a partnership with the plant. They hide in the plant to escape bigger, hungry fish. PARTNER TALK 4. Police departments and fire departments work together to ensure public safety. Talk with your partner about the partnership that these two departments have. Tell how they help each other deal with accidents and other events. 5. Work with a partner. Talk about a partnership that you two would like to form. Write a description of the purpose of your partnership. Share the description of your partnership with the class. 6. Now let’s say partnership together three more times: partnership, partnership, partnership. partnership

3 current Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. One word in the selection is current. Say it with me: current. A current is the flow of water, air, or electricity in one direction. The current pulled the boat out to sea. 2. En español, current quiere decir “el movimiento de agua, aire o electricidad en una dirección; corriente.” La corriente haló el barco al mar. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word current. (Point to the river.) This river has a strong current. The water is fl owing quickly in one direction. MOVEMENT 4. Line up behind me. Follow me and pretend to swim with the current. (Lead the line around the classroom, pretending to swim as you do.) We are all moving in the same direction as the water. 5. Now let’s swim against the current. It is much harder to swim because the water is moving one way and we are moving the other. (Turn the line around and pretend to swim against the current.) 6. Now let’s say current together three more times: current, current, current. current

4 eventually Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is eventually. Say it with me: eventually. Something that happens eventually happens after a period of time has passed. The seed eventually grew into a flower. 2 En español, eventually quiere decir “con el tiempo, finalmente.” Con el tiempo, la flor brotó de la semilla. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word eventually. (Point to the rock formations.) After a long time, wind, water, and rain eventually wore away the rock. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell a partner about something you hope to do eventually. Explain why it will take some time to do it. 5. With a partner, complete this sentence: A puppy will eventually ____________. 6. Now let’s say eventually together three more times: eventually, eventually, eventually. eventually

5 brittle Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. One word in the selection is brittle. Say it with me: brittle. Something that is brittle is hard but easily broken or crumbled. The flower petals became brittle when they dried up. 2. En español, brittle quiere decir “algo que quiebra o desmorona fácilmente; quebradizo.” Los pétalos se volvieron quebradizos al secarse. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word brittle. (Point to the sea urchin.) The sea urchin’s spines are brittle. They are hard but break easily. PARTNER TALK 4. With your partner, decide which of these things are brittle: a crunchy granola bar (brittle) a dried leaf (brittle) a wet rag a worm 5. Now complete this sentence with your partner: If something is brittle, you should treat it ____________ because ____________. 6. Now let’s say brittle together three more times: brittle, brittle, brittle. brittle

6 suburbs Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 6 image. 1. Another word in the selection is suburbs. Say it with me: suburbs. Suburbs are communities that are located just outside of a city. Many people live in the suburbs of San Antonio. 2. En español, suburbs quiere decir “los barrios o comunidades a las afueras de una ciudad, suburbios.” Mucha gente vive en los suburbios de San Antonio. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word suburbs. (Point to the houses.) The houses in this neighborhood are in the suburbs. They are located outside of the city. Many people live in the suburbs and work in the city. PARTNER TALK 4. With your partner, draw a Venn diagram. (You may want to draw one on the board for students.) Use it to compare and contrast cities and suburbs. 5. What are some areas of our community that are suburbs? You may even live in one. With your partner, make a list of suburbs in our area. Share your list with the class. 6. Now let’s say suburbs together three more times: suburbs, suburbs, suburbs. suburbs

7 ride a wave Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. When you ride a wave, you let a wave of water carry you toward the shore. Say it with me: ride a wave. A seabird may ride a wave to get to shore. 2. En español, to ride a wave quiere decir “dejarse llevar por una ola.” Un ave de mar puede dejarse llevar por una ola hasta llegar a la orilla. 3. The surfer in this picture is riding a wave. He is standing on a surfboard and letting the wave carry him toward the shore of the beach. MOVEMENT 4. Stand up next to your desk. Pretend to ride a wave. As you do, say, “I am riding a wave.” 5. What are some places people can go to ride a wave? (Call on volunteers. Students may name specific beaches or more general places like California or Hawaii.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: ride a wave, ride a wave, ride a wave. ride a wave

8 slurp up Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. Slurp up means “to make noisy sucking sounds while eating or drinking.” Say it with me: slurp up. You might use a straw to slurp up a drink. When you slurp up a drink, you might make a slurping sound. (Demonstrate a slurping sound.) 2. En español, to slurp up quiere decir “sorber la comida o bebida con ruido.” Puedes usar un popote o pitillo para sorber algo. Cuando sorbes una bebida, a veces produces ruido. (Demuestre el sonido de alguien sorbiendo ruidosamente.) 3. The girl in this picture is slurping up milk from her cereal bowl. She is sucking up the last bit of milk from the bottom of the bowl. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to name some things. If you could slurp up the thing I name, say “slurp up.” If not, don’t say anything. soup broccoli a milkshake an apple 5. Help me complete these sentences: The cat slurps up ____________. The dog slurps up ____________. The children slurp up ____________. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: slurp up, slurp up, slurp up. slurp up

9 pound Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. Pound means “to hit over and over again with great force.” Say it with me: pound. People use their hands to pound on some drums. (Use your hands to demonstrate pounding on a drum.) 2. En español, to pound quiere decir “golpear algo repetidamente con fuerza.” Usamos las manos para golpear un tambor. (Use sus manos para demostrar la acción de golpear un tambor.) 3. The waves are pounding the rocks. They are hitting the rocks over and over again with great force. Over time, the pounding of the waves will wear down the rocks. MOVEMENT 4. Pound on your desk with your hands. Now pound on the floor with your feet. 5. Now pretend you have a hammer. Show me how you would pound a nail. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: pound, pound, pound. pound

10 settle down Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. Settle down means “to become calm.” Say it with me: settle down. Reading a book can help you settle down before bedtime. 2. En español, to settle down quiere decir “calmarse, relajarse.” Leer un libro, ayuda a calmarte. Leer antes de irse a la cama te puede ayudar a relajarte para dormir. 3. These students took a minute to settle down as they lined up for class. They were excited from playing outside and needed to calm down before walking into the classroom. PARTNER TALK 4. What are some things you do to settle down after a busy day? Share your ideas with a partner. (Examples include: watch television, read a book, relax on my bed, call a friend) 5. Tell a partner what you might say to a frightened child to settle him or her down. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: settle down, settle down, settle down. settle down

11 lagoon Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. lagoon

12 lobster Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. lobster

13 crab Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. crab

14 coral Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. coral

15 tentacles Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. tentacles

16 stingray Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. stingray

17 Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 4 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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