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Qualitative vs quantitative methods

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1 Qualitative vs quantitative methods
SLIDE2-1 Qualitative vs quantitative methods Research stage Qualitative Quantitative Study objective Exploratory, investigative Definite, conclusive and predictive Research design Loosely structured Structured, controlled conditions Sampling plan Small samples Large/representative samples Type of approach Formatted & structured Data analysis Textual and non-statistical Statistically tested and authenticated Study deliverables Explanatory and supportive Conclusive and action oriented

2 SLIDE2-1 Observation method Observation involves viewing and recording individuals, groups, organizations or events in a scientific manner in order to collect valuable data related to the topic under study. Method format: Standardized and Structured Non-Standardized and Unstructured

3 The researcher goes into the field and observes the condition in their natural state.
Actual behavior of the people is observed and not what they see or feel. Structured Format: Broad areas of recording are predetermined. Fisher Price How often he pick up from the collection of toy available? How long the toy is able to engage the child? Is there any safety issue with the toy? What was the reaction of the child after playing with the toy? It has clear cut objective and reduce the biasness. (Descriptive/ Exploratory) Unstructured Observation: Lack of clearly defined objective. Observers Bias remain high. Innovative add value to the existing dimensions. Observe Customer delight or Unhappy experience.

4 Disguised Observation: The respondent has no knowledge regarding him/her under observation. Hidden cameras . Undisguised Observation: Knowledge that the person is under observation is conveyed to the respondent. Mechanical observation method Store scanners and store cameras. Number of hits on a website. Traffic cameras that monitor speeding on major highways (Australia,Europe)

5 Eye Tracking Equipment
These equipments used to ascertain precisely which sections of an ad product packaging, promotional packaging, promotional display attract customers attention and how much time attention they spent looking at those sections. 1)Oculometers Tells us what the subject is looking at. 2)Eye camera Used to record the movement of the eyes like in the newspaper. 3)Pupilometer Measures changes in the diameter of the pupils of the respondents eyes. Hypothesis :Increase in the size of the pupil more positive is the attitude of the individual towards the stimulus.

6 Observation guide(sample sheet)
SLIDE2-1 Observation guide(sample sheet)

7 Focus group discussion
SLIDE2-1 Focus group discussion A focus group discussion involves collecting information from a representative group of respondents in a neutral setting. The process generally involves a moderator who maneuvers the discussion on the topic under study. It is essentially a sociological technique. The group dynamics influence the individual to respond in divergent ways.

8 Key elements of focus group method
SLIDE2-1 Key elements of focus group method Size: Ideal recommended size for a focus group discussion is 8 to 12 members. Nature: Composition of the group should be homogenous-in terms of demographic and psychographic traits and product/subject knowledge. Acquaintance: recommended that the members in a group should be strangers to each other. Setting: Discussion setting should be neutral, informal and comfortable.

9 Key moderator skills Listening skills Observation skills
SLIDE2-1 Key moderator skills Listening skills Observation skills Flexibility of approach Empathetic yet objectivity of conduction Summary and closure approach

10 SLIDE2-1 Sample FGD guide

11 Video For Focus Group Discussion
Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.” Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”

12 SLIDE2-1 Content Analysis Content analysis technique involves studying a previously recorded or reported communication and systematically and objectively breaking it up into more manageable units that are related to the topic under study. Material studied is usually ex-post facto. Study and analysis is, however, primary and problem specific. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CONCEPTS AND CASES

13 Content Analysis Universe of content
SLIDE2-1 Content Analysis Universe of content Word Theme Character CONCEPTS AND CASES

14 Sample The sample consisted of the 1st year PGDM students of the Institute. The data were collected through administering an open ended questionnaire on the respondents in their class. The sample consists of 102 students. The study was conducted in March,2012. Section I Learning Enhancers The student feedback survey uncovered eighteen areas of strength of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. The findings are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Learning Enhancers Sl. No. Learning Enhancers Frequency 1 Presentation 54 2 Guest Lecture 47 3 Case Analysis 27 4 Mentoring 26 5 Class Discussion and Experiential Pedagogy 24 6 Interaction with Faculty 21 7 Assignment 20 8 Quiz 16 9 Events 14 10 Environment 13 11 Study Group 12 12 Timings/Discipline 11 13 Stress Management 10 14 Liquid Class 9 15 Politics/Diplomacy 8 16 Live Project 7 17 Miscellaneous 6

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