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Presentation on theme: "Acknowledgements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acknowledgements

2 Learning objectives understand the stages of the campaign planning cycle translate your strategic goals into SMART campaign objectives estimate, budget and use evidence-based decision-making processes to select and evaluate the performance of your digital marketing actions communicate and document your project management processes using Gantt charts apply appropriate risk management techniques

3 The importance of planning
successful digital and social media marketing campaigns do not just happen result of good campaign project management are related to digital&social media strategy implementation failing to plan is planning to fail

4 The role of marketing across organisation
understanding digital marketing campaign project management and its key planning tools and stages, offers insight into repeatable success patterns, which can be recreated and integrated into an organisation’s culture

5 Project Management definition
= processes + tools + techniques + ressources digital marketing objectives project management of digital marketing campaigns is a combination of processes, tools and techniques used for intelligently organising resources, in order to successfully meet the set digital marketing objectives

6 Project Triangle vs. Digital Project Triangle
The Project Triangle The Digital Project Triangle

7 The 4 constraints of digital campaign
Scope: specific objectives of each individual digital marketing channel Quality: KPIs&data used for measuring the campaign impact Time: start&end dates of the campaing Resources: financial, in-house human &social resources

8 The digital marketing implementation cycles
each campaign is essentially a project, which has to be managed key project management practises relate to stages: Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting

9 The 4 phases of the action learning cycle
Plan: refers to the setting of project triangle related activities (resources, times, scope and quality) Act: indicates operational stages (message building, allocating and curating campaign content) Observe: involves results monitoring (KPIs), optimisation and risk management Reflect: constitutes a basis for the next cycle of promotional activities

10 9 steps of digital marketing campaign implementation cycle
plan: phase 1-5 act: observe: reflect:

11 planning

12 Planning – starting a new project
definign aims & objectives: brand awareness conversion budget setting methods: affordable method percentage-of-sales objective-and-task

13 acting

14 Acting – executing your project
campaign & project documentation (5Ws rule) project documentation may consist of: campaign name aim&objectives buisiness case project team communications plan quality plan deliverables scope resources KPIs risk register work schedule 5Ws: What? Why? Who? Where? When?

15 The Project Team Project Manager Team Memebers Project Sponsor
PM: team leader, responsible for project implementation, roles assignment and defining responsibilities of other members. responsible for on-time project delivery, with assigned budget, scope and quality PS: individual with the ultimate authority and control over project and its implementation TM: individuals with specific roles and responsibilities

16 The responsibilities of Project Management
Do Don’t keep a holistic overview of the project take into account integration between tasks delegate tasks to team members and delegate schedule and communicate activities for yourself and others manage and motivate the project team and act as a leader and be prepared to be flexible engage with all relevant stakeholders and project team members relevant information control quality of project related tasks and deliverables manage project costs assess and review risks related to the project overcoming obstacles arising in the course of the project, cooperation facilitating get involved in micro management - you can’t control every single task of the project get carried away with operations forgetting the aim and objectives of the project ignore poor performing kpis - if project is not working don’t worry about stopping the whole project leave questions from your team members unanswered create authority basing on negative team members’ emotions (fear, bullying) rely on a single point of information - where possible always consult multiple sources to make your decisions rely on informal communications with all your stakeholders prioritise urgent over the important assume you know it all

17 Communication plan

18 Work schedule - Gantt Chart
visual format list of project tasks individuals responsible horizontal timescale – shows the start, duration and finish of activities

19 Finding the critical path
what are your time/cost constraints? what preceding activities need to be completed? how do individual activities depend on each other? which activities can be done in parallel? what is the estimated duration of each activity? who do you need for each activity? what is the skill level of each resource assigned to its task(s)?

20 observing

21 Observing – optimising your efforts
continual review of schedule and budget re-prioritising tasks maintaining a risk register quality assesment monitoring results

22 Risk register risk identification impact rate (sale 1-5):
negligible marginal important serious catastrophic probability (scale 1-5): impossible remote unlikely possible probable assesment (=impact x probability): red: assessment of 15 – 25 amber: assessment of 9 – 14 green: assessment of 0 – 8

23 reflecting

24 Reflecting – closing a project
preparing for premature closure of a project creating a post project report undertaking a project debrief making a concerted effort to praise achievements

25 Case study

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