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Published byJoão Victor Gorjão Candal Modified over 6 years ago
Nuclear Decays Unstable nuclei can change N,Z.A to a nuclei at a lower energy (mass) If there is a mass difference such that energy is released, pretty much all decays occur but with very different lifetimes. have band of stable particles and band of “natural” radioactive particles (mostly means long lifetimes). Nuclei outside these bands are produced in labs and in Supernovas nuclei can be formed in excited states and emit a gamma while cascading down.
General Comments on Decays – mostly skip
Use Fermi Golden rule (from perturbation theory) rate proportional to cross section or 1/lifetime the matrix element connects initial and final states where V contains the “physics” (EM vs strong vs weak coupling and selection rules) the density of states factor depends on the amount of energy available. Need to conserve momentum and energy “kinematics”. If large energy available then higher density factor and higher rate. Nonrelativistic (relativistic has 1/E also Decay: A a + b + c ….. Q = available kinetic energy large Q large phase space higher rate
Phase Space:Channels If there are multiple decay channels, each adds to “phase space”. That is one calculates the rate to each and then adds all of them up single nuclei can have an alpha decay and both beta+ and beta- decay. A particle can have hundreds of possible channels often one dominates or an underlying virtual particle dominates and then just dealing with its “decays” still need to do phase space for each….
Lifetimes just one channel with N(t) = total number at time t
multiple possible decays. Calculate each (the “partial” widths) and then add up Measure lifetime long-lived (t>10-8sec). Have a certain number and count the decays
Lifetimes Measure lifetime medium-lived (t>10-13sec). Decay point separated from production point. Measure path length. Slope gives lifetime short-lived (10-23 < t <10-16 sec). Measure invariant mass of decay products. If have all mass of initial. Width of mass distributions (its width) related to lifetime by Heisenberg uncertainty. 100 10 1 Dx
Alpha decay Alpha particle is the He nucleus (2p+2n)
~all nuclei Z > 82 alpha decay. Pb(82,208) is doubly magic with Z=82 and N=126 the kinematics are simple as non-relativistic and alpha so much lighter than heavy nuclei really nuclear masses but can use atomic as number of electrons do not change. Be 8 “lightest” alpha decay with lifetime of .07fs
Alpha decay-Barrier penetration – did already
from 1D thin barrier ( for particle with energy E hitting a barrier potential V and thickness gives Transmission = T super quick - assume square potential
Alpha decay-Barrier penetration
3D Coulomb barrier V= A/r from the edge of the nucleus to edge of barrier and integrate- each dr is a thin barrier this integral isn’t easy, need approximations see nuclear physics textbook . Get where K = kinetic energy of alpha. Plug in some numbers
Alpha decay-Barrier penetration
Then have the alpha bouncing around inside the nucleus. It “strikes” the barrier with frequency the decay rate depends on barrier height and barrier thickness (both reduced for larger energy alpha) and the rate the alpha strikes the barrier larger the Q larger kinetic energy and very strong (exponential) dependence on this as alpha has A=4, one gets 4 different chains (4n, 4n+1, 4n+2, 4n+3). The nuclei in each chain are similar (odd/even, even/even, etc) but can have spin and parity changes at shell boundaries
Alpha Decay T is the transmission probability per “incident” alpha
f=no. of alphas “striking” the barrier (inside the nucleus) per second = v/2R, If v=0.1c f=1021 Hz Depends strongly on alpha kinetic energy
Alpha decay-Decay chains
Alpha decay-Energy levels
if angular momentum changes, then a suppression of about for each change in L (increases potential barrier) may need to have orbital angular momentum if sub-shell changes (for odd n/p nuclei) Z= h(9/2) N= g(9/2) Z= f(7/2) N= d(5/2) so if f(7/2) h(9/2) need L>0 but parity change if L=1 L=2,4 or d(5/2) g(9/2) need L>1. No parity change L=2,4 s 0 p 1 d 2 f 3 g 4 h 5
Parity + Angular Momentum Conservation in Alpha decay
X Y + a. The spin of the alpha = 0 but it can have non-zero angular momentum. Look at Parity P if parity X=Y then L=0,2…. If not equal L=1,3… to conserve both Parity and angular momentum
Uranium – not on tests Uranium has 92 protons and mostly comes in 2 isotopes: U(235) with 143 neutrons and U(238) with 146 neutrons % of Uranium is U(238). But it is U(235) which chain reacts and so used in nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. “enriching” uranium increases the amount of U(235). The US has a stockpile of about 550 tons of enriched uranium for reactors on navy ships and the arsenal of nuclear weapons The relative fraction of U(235) to U(238) and their lifetimes of 1 billion and 6.5 billion years can be used to estimate when the Uranium was produced. This is similar to Carbon 14 dating. The calculation gives a production date of about 5.8 billion years ago, which is maybe when a neutron star-neutron star collision occurred near where the Sun formed about 1 billion years later. Detailed studies of the abundance of other radioactive elements heavier than lead can be used to determine the age of the Earth
Uranium – arithmetic Fraction U(238) = 99.27% Fraction U(235) = 0.72%
Lifetime U(235) = 6.52 billion years Lifetime U(238) = 1.02 billion years ASSUME at production equal amounts of U(235) and U(238) Amount(today) = exponential(-time/lifetime) Ln(.0072) = -4.9 = -time(1/ /6.52) Time = 5.76 billion years ago – approximately when uranium was produced, maybe in neutron star-neutron star collision. Have about 1 neutron star-neutron star collision every 10,000 years in the Milky Way galaxy sometimes called kilonova and will be 1000 times brighter than a Type Ia supernova Had about 10 NS-NS collisions within 1000 LY of us in the billion years before the Sun and the other stars in our local cluster were formed
Beta Decays Beta decays are proton neutrons or neutron proton transitions involve W exchange and are weak interaction the last reaction is electron capture where one of the atomic electrons overlaps the nuclei. Same matrix element (essentially) bit different kinematics the semi-empirical mass formula gives a minimum for any A. If mass difference between neighbors is large enough, decay will occur
Beta Decays - Q Values Determine Q of reactions by looking at mass difference (careful about electron mass) 1 MeV more Q in EC than beta+ emission. More phase space BUT need electron wavefunction overlap with nucleus.....
Beta+ vs Electron Capture
Fewer beta+ emitters than beta- in “natural” nuclei (but many in “artificial” important in Positron Emission Tomography - PET) sometimes both beta+ and EC for same nuclei. Different widths sometimes only EC allowed monoenergetic neutrino. E=.87 MeV. Important reaction in the Sun. Note EC rate different in Sun as it is a plasma and not atoms
Beta Decay - 3 Body The neutrino is needed to conserve angular momentum (Z,A) (Z+1,A) for A=even have either Z,N even-even odd-odd or odd-oddeven-even p,n both spin 1/2 and so for even-even or odd-odd nuclei I=0,1,2,3……. But electron has spin 1/ I(integer) I(integer) + 1/2(electron) doesn’t conserve J need spin 1/2 neutrino. Also observed that electron spectrum is continuous indicative of >2 body decay Decay rate depends on strength of weak interactions and on phase space larger Q gives larger rate (smaller lifetime). Can also have suppressions if changing angular momentum or parity
3 Body Kinematics While 3 body the nuclei are very heavy and easy approximation is that electron and neutrino split available Q maximum electron energy when E(nu)=0 example
Beta decay rate examples
Rule 1: parity of nucleus can’t change (integral of odd*even=0) Rule 2: as antineutrino and electron are spin 1/2 they add to either 0 or 1. Gives either Orbital angular momentum suppression of for each value of L
Gamma Decays If something (beta/alpha decay or a reaction) places a nucleus in an excited state, it drops to the lowest energy through gamma emission excited states and decays similar to atoms conserve angular momentum and parity photon has spin =1 and parity = -1 for orbital P= (-1)L first order is electric dipole moment (edm). Easier to have higher order terms in nuclei than atoms
Gamma Decays in beta decays
5 26% E MeV 1.6 Mev 11% gamma 53% 2.1 Mev gamma 90%? conserve angular momentum and parity. lowest order is electric dipole moment. then quadrapole and magnetic dipole
Parity Violation in Beta Decays
The Parity operator is the mirror image and is NOT conserved in Weak decays (is conserved in EM and strong) non-conservation is on the lepton side, not the nuclear wave function side spin 1/2 electrons and neutrinos are (nominally) either right-handed (spin and momentum in same direction) or left-handed (opposite) Parity changes LH to RH RH LH
“Handedness” of Neutrinos
“handedness” is call chirality. If the mass of a neutrino = 0 then: all neutrinos are left-handed all antineutrinos are right-handed Parity is maximally violated As the mass of an electron is > 0 can have both LH and RH. But RH is suppressed for large energy (as electron speed approaches c) fraction RH vs LH can be determined by solving the Dirac equation which naturally incorporates spin
Polarized Beta Decays Spin antinu-RH Pnu pe Spin e - LH Co
Some nuclei have non-zero spin and can be polarized by placing in a magnetic field magnetic moments of nuclei are small (1/M factor) and so need low temperature to have a high polarization Gamow-Teller transition with S(e-nu) = 1 if Co polarized, look at angular distribution of electrons. Find preferential hemisphere (down) Spin antinu-RH Pnu pe Spin e - LH Co
Discovery of Parity Violation in Beta Decay by C.S. Wu et al. 1957
Test parity conservation by observing a dependence of a decay rate (or cross section) on a term that changes sign under the parity operation. If decay rate or cross section changes under parity operation, then the parity is not conserved. Parity reverses momenta and positions but not angular momenta (or spins). Spin is an axial vector and does not change sign under parity operation. Beta decay of a neutron in a real and mirror worlds: If parity is conserved, then the probability of electron emission at q is equal to that at 180o-q. Selected orientation of neutron spins - polarisation. q 180o-q mirror Pe neutron Pe
Wu’s experiment Beta-decay of 60Co to 60Ni*. The excited 60Ni* decays to the ground state through two successive g emissions. Nuclei polarised through spin alignment in a large magnetic field at 0.01oK. At low temperature thermal motion does not destroy the alignment. Polarisation was transferred from 60Co to 60Ni nuclei. Degree of polarisation was measured through the anisotropy of gamma-rays. Beta particles from 60Co decay were detected by a thin anthracene crystal (scintillator) placed above the 60Co source. Scintillations were transmitted to the photomultiplier tube (PMT) on top of the cryostat.
Wu’s results Graphs: top and middle - gamma anisotropy (difference in counting rate between two NaI crystals) - control of polarisation; bottom - b asymmetry - counting rate in the anthracene crystal relative to the rate without polarisation (after the set up was warmed up) for two orientations of magnetic field. Similar behaviour of gamma anisotropy and beta asymmetry. Rate was different for the two magnetic field orientations. Asymmetry disappeared when the crystal was warmed up (the magnetic field was still present): connection of beta asymmetry with spin orientation (not with magnetic field). Beta asymmetry - Parity not conserved
Nuclear Reactions: Fusion and neutron absorption
2 Body reaction A+BC+D: elastic if C/D=A/B inelastic if mass(C+D)>mass(A+B) Neutron absorption an important inelastic reaction. Three light: H, Li, Boron, have large neutron absorption cross sections. H, B “cheap”.
neutron absorption in Boron
Happens in B10 (20%) and not B11 (80%). Gives off gamma and so can be medically use to deposit energy National Nuclear Data Center Cross sections ENDF data
Fission – mostly skip AB+C A heavy, B/C medium nuclei releases energy as binding energy/nucleon = 8.5 MeV for Fe and 7.3 MeV for Uranium spontaneous fission is like alpha decay but with different mass, radii and Coulomb (Z/2)2 vs 2(Z-2). Very low rate for U, higher for larger A induced fission n+AB+C. The neutron adds its binding energy (~7 MeV) and can put nuclei in excited state leading to fission even-even U(92,238). Adding n goes to even-odd and less binding energy (about 1 MeV) even-odd U(92,235), U(92,233), Pu(94,239) adding n goes to even-even and so more binding energy (about 1 MeV) 2 MeV difference between U235 and U238 fission in U235 can occur even if slow neutron
Neutron absorption in Uranium
Fusion H Helium either in Sun or early universe or reactor
“nature” would like to convert lighter elements into heavier. But: no free neutrons need to overcome electromagnetic repulsion high temperatures mass Be > twice mass He. Suppresses fusion into Carbon Ideally use Deuterium and Tritium, s=1 barn, but little Tritium in Sun (ideal for fusion reactor)
Fusion in Sun rate limited by first reaction which has to convert a p to a n and so is Weak s(pp) ~ barn partially determines lifetime of stars can model interaction rate using tunneling – very similar to Alpha decay (also done by Gamow) tunneling probability increases with Energy (Temperature) but particle probability decreases with E (Boltzman). Have most probable (Gamow Energy). About 15,000,000 K for Sun but Gamow energy higher (50,000,000??)
Fusion in Sun II need He nuclei to have energy in order to make Be. (there is a resonance in the s if have invariant mass(He-He)=mass(Be)) if the fusion window peak (the Gamow energy weighted for different Z,mass) is near that resonance that will enhance the Be production turns out they aren’t quite. But fusion to C start at about T=100,000,000 K with <kT> about 10 KeV each He. Gamow energy is higher then this.
Fusion in Sun III Be+HeC also enhanced if there is a resonance. Turns out there is one at almost exactly the right energy MeV 7.65 MeV 4.44 MeV
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