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Unleash Your Trac Potential with Sections & Reasons!

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Presentation on theme: "Unleash Your Trac Potential with Sections & Reasons!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unleash Your Trac Potential with Sections & Reasons!
with Jodie Huddle

2 Why are Students Visiting Centers?
Sections & reasons capture and categorize this critical visit information. Today we will: Create, customize & activate sections/reasons. Link a section/reason to a consultant as a specialty. Troubleshoot students missing subjects.

3 AdvisorTrac / TutorTrac / FitnessTrac
Trac System Profile settings control if consultants, sections and/or  reasons are displayed as options for visit categories.   (Note: This setting is at the Center Profile level, not the subcenter level.)

4 Sections (subjects/classes/courses)
Import Sections IT dept creates a daily file to keep Trac System updated with your student's current course enrollments (registrations). Manually Create Sections You can add sections that are not part of your automatically imported registrations. Examples: Workshop, Work Visit, Prospective Student, Other (Tip: use Term 0 for manually created sections.   It is much easier to find them later!)

5 Section Options Non Enrolled (Available to All)
Students will see this section.  It displays as a choice, even when they are not marked as enrolled in this specific section. is Work Section (Available to Consultants Only) Only consultants see this section. Used to document work/payroll visit information. Do Not Display on Search Availability Excludes the section as a choice when students are attempting to book appointments.

6 Work Sections Consultants can record their work time.  This is for payroll or timesheets. Term ID: 0 is Work Section (Available to Consultants Only)  (Work sections/reasons do not display on search availability.)

7 Reasons Create your custom reasons to further categorize student visits.
Orientation Enrollment Learning Plan Change Major Career Counseling Graduation Prep Homework Research General Writing Test Prep Peer Study Group Supplemental Instruction Tutoring

8 Reason Options Who uses this reason? Show a helpful tip.
When should it be used? Auto logout Notification

9 Activate Sections & Reasons
By default, sections/reasons will not display at visit login. Each section/reason must be added to the appropriate subcenter(s). Global Activation Allows the section/reason to be viewed across many areas in your profile: like subcenter activation and consultant specialties. Subcenter Activation The section/reason must be globally activated before subcenter activation. Allows the section/reason to be viewed for the specified subcenter(s).  Then, it can be used for visit logins, scheduling, and quick/batch visits.

10 Consultant Specialties
When a student is booking an appointment, we want to match them up with a qualified consultant that can help them.  We accomplish this with consultant specialties. Open a consultant's profile. Activate each section/reason they are qualified for. Details of using consultant specialties in scheduling appoint-ments are covered in the scheduling session.

11 Students Missing Subjects
If students are not seeing their enrolled courses as subject choices upon visit check-in, one or more problems may exist. The import file is missing the student's registration info. The registration is not activated for the student. Their section is not activated.  Sections must be added to two levels of activation: Global Level Subcenter Level Where's my Biology Class?!!

12 Drop/Add Cut-off Date Prior to the drop/add cut-off date for student registrations at your school, it is possible that new courses (sections) are added that will need to be activated.  Students that enrolled in courses recently may be missing their sections.  Until the official drop/add cut-off date passes, you may need to repeat 3 steps daily (and one last time after the cut-off date).  Activate Sections at the Global level Activate Sections at the Subcenter level Consultant Specialties may need new sections added

13 Reminders The guidebook app is set up with our conference schedule.  It also allows connections with Redrock conference attendees. Scottsdale Art Walk 5:30pm Tonight! Survey Questions?

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