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Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary

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1 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Leery-pg.122 (adjective) cautious due to suspicions.

2 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Indignant-pg. 25 (adjective) feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is felt as unfair treatment

3 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Smolder-pg. 35 (verb) burn slowly with smoke but no flame.

4 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Haranguing-pg. 35 (verb) lecture someone at length in an aggressive and critical manner.

5 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Gleam-pg. 38 (noun) a small, bright light

6 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Roving-pg. 50 (verb) travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander

7 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Ornery-pg. 117 (adjective) bad-tempered and combative; stubborn

8 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Crevices-pg. 142 (noun) a narrow opening, especially in a rock or wall.

9 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Prowled-pg. 176 (verb) restlessly and stealthily, as if in search of prey.

10 Parrot in the Oven Vocabulary
Ominously-pg. 203 (adverb) indicating the nature of a future event; threatening

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