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Paired Task: How Ethnocentric is the Curriculum at Rossett?

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1 Paired Task: How Ethnocentric is the Curriculum at Rossett?
Discuss the following: How much non-European history, geography, literature, music, etc. did you study? Did you study any non- European languages or non-Christian religions? What other ways could school be ethnocentric? The term ‘ethnocentric’ means an attitude or policy that is favouring one particular ethnic group while disregarding the other.

2 Internal factors for Ethnic differences in achievement (Ethnocentric curriculum, Institutional racism, selection policies) Explore notions of the Ethnocentric curriculum, Institutional racism, selection policies within Ethnic Minority discourse and analyse key studies. Evaluate the role of different factors in educational achievement. SPEC: Different sociological explanations of ethnic differences in educational achievement in relation to internal factors, e.g.  institutional racism and the ethnocentric curriculum. ALL (Grade C/D) Be able to identify and describe how the Ethnocentric curriculum, Institutional racism, and selection policies can result in underachievement in minority ethnic students, referencing one sociological study. MOST (Grade B/C) Be able to identify and describe different ways in which the Ethnocentric curriculum, Institutional racism, and selection policies can result in underachievement in minority ethnic students, using examples and referencing more than one sociological study. SOME (Grade A/A*) Be able to identify and describe in depth, different ways in which the Ethnocentric curriculum, Institutional racism, and selection policies can result in underachievement in minority ethnic students, using examples and referencing and evaluating a range of sociological studies.

3 Internal Factors (Within Schools)
Labelling & Teacher Racism (last lesson) Pupil Responses & Subcultures (last lesson) The Ethnocentric Curriculum Institutional Racism Selection and Segregation

4 The Ethnocentric Curriculum
The term ‘ethnocentric’ means an attitude or policy that is favouring one particular ethnic group while disregarding the other. Troyna & Williams (1986) & David (1993) argue that the National Curriculum is ‘Specifically British’ & focuses only on White culture, ignoring non-European languages, literature & music. Stephen Ball (1994) – Criticises the National Curriculum for ignoring cultural and ethnic diversity, promoting the ‘mythical age of empire and past glory,’ and ignoring the history of black and Asian people. Michael Gove’s current promotion of ‘traditional British history’ could be used as a modern day example. Troyna and Williams say that meagre provision of teaching Asian languages, compared to European languages as an example of bias built into education. Bernard Coard (2005) – Links an ethnocentric curriculum to underachievement through undermining black children’s self-esteem. For example, in history teaching that the British ‘civilised’ the peoples they colonised. Evaluation: Look at your statistics on ethnic achievement from lesson 1. How could you use that to criticise the theory that an ethnocentric curriculum causes children from minority ethnic backgrounds to underachieve? Policy: Multicultural Education (Inclusion of non-white topics in English, RE, History, Black History Month etc.)





9 Institutional Racism Some sociologists believe that it is not just individual teacher racism that needs to be addressed, but instead we need to look at discrimination that is built into the way institutions such as schools and colleges operate. This is called institutional racism. Hatcher (1996) Racist behaviour is often unchallenged & ignored in many schools. There are a lack of formal strategies in place to deal with such events. Discussion Point: Do schools disregard the needs of minority ethnic pupils? How could you criticise this view? Equal Opportunity Policies / Reporting Procedures to OFSTED / Ethnic Minority reporting on school statistics

10 Selection & Segregation
David Gillborn (1997) – Argues that marketisation has given schools greater scope to select pupils, which allows negative stereotypes of teachers to influence school admission decisions. Moore & Davenport (1990) – US study, found that selection allowed schools to discriminate against ‘problem students’ who have difficulty with English, for example, making it difficult to get places in the best schools. Difficult application processes also make it more difficult for less educated or non-English speaking parents. These procedures favour students from white, middle- class backgrounds. Commission for Racial Equality (1993) – 1) Racist bias in enrolment interviews, 2) Lack of information available in minority languages, 3) Minority parents are often unaware of enrolment procedures.

11 Access to Opportunities & Assessment
Gifted & Talented Programme (G&T) – Helping able pupils in inner city schools. Gillborn points out in Official Statistics show that Whites are 2x likely to be G&T than Black Caribbean, and 5x more likely than Black Africans. Teachers racialized expectations gets in the way when selecting who takes part in the programme. Conclusion = schools are institutionally racist. Assessment – Ways of assessment were changed which resulted in Black Pupils falling to the bottom of the assessment tables. Exam Tiers – Tikly found that even in ‘Aiming High’ initiative schools to raise Black Carribbean achievement, blacks x2 more likely to be entered for lower GCSE tier exams, where they can only get a Grade C at best.

12 Criticisms / Evaluation
Sewell rejects Gillborn’s view: although racism still exists in schools it is not powerful enough to stop people from succeeding. External factors more important: anti-school attitudes, peer group, absent fathers. Overachievement of ‘model minorties’, such as Chinese & Indian. Institutional racism? Does Gender play a role too? Are black boys treated different to Asian boys? Do Black boys respond differently to black girls? See p.48.

13 Plenary Outline three ways in which Ethnic Minorities can be discriminated against during Selection & Access to Opportunities. (6 marks)

14 Should minority ethnic communities be able to set up their own free schools?
Arguments For Arguments Against

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