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STEM Pathway Elective Class

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1 STEM Pathway Elective Class
Mrs. Creighton, Teacher

2 Contact Information/Website

3 7th grade parents: text @bec6k2 to 81010
Remind 7th grade parents: to 81010 8th grade parents: to 81010

4 Enjoy and help others to enjoy.
Expectations Come to class prepared. Follow directions. Learn and help others to learn. 7th grade: AutoDesk and VEX Robotics 8th grade: electronics, aeronautics, genetics/medicine Enjoy and help others to enjoy. Follow the TJHS rules.

5 A-Project 10.1% of each quarter’s grade
Completed outside of classtime. There are a variety of A-Project choices. Without an A-Project, the best grade a student can hope for is 89.9%, a B+.

6 We need guest speakers! Since some students don’t know many STEM professionals, we host one STEM professional each month during lunch. Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:49 p.m. the last Friday of each month You won’t need to get volunteer clearance. I’ll buy you lunch at the TJHS cafeteria. Your student will get credit for one extra quarter’s A-Project since you volunteered. Please contact me if you are able to come to a Career Lunch.

7 Field Trips & Fundraisers
In order to raise money to go on field trips, the STEM Pathway Elective Students form an ASB group called “STEM Club”. STEM Club does welcome any student to the after school meetings, and thus to the field trips (so long as they’ve been consistently involved). Last year’s financial report is hanging in the hallway. We raised and spent about $6,000 on field trips.

8 Fundraisers Las Casuelas on 10/10/17 – must purchase tickets ahead of time. STEM Pathway and Club students will begin selling tickets in mid September.

9 Final day to turn this into your STEM Elective Class Helper? 9/8/17
STEM Elective Class Period: Birthday: (Summer birthdays will be celebrated at the ½) Student’s name: STEM Shirt……………………………. _____ x $13 = ___________ Happy Birthday Window Gr …. donation ($5?) = ___________ Cell Phone Wallet ………………… _____ x $2 = ___________ Bead Pack ………………………………. _____ x $1 = ___________ Donation to help with the projected $15/7th grader & $25/8th grader trip costs = ___________

10 Last year, I compared an XL Ladies’ shirt with
Ladies Style Shirts Unisex Style Shirts Small – 5’ tall, 100# (L-Small) Small – 5’4” tall, 120# (U-Small) Medium – 5’4” tall, 120# (L-Medium) Medium – 5’9”, 165# (U-Medium) Large – 5’5” tall, 138# (L-Large) Large – 6’0”, 185# (U-Large) Extra Large – 5’10”, 160# (L-XL) Extra Large – 6’2”, 205# (U-XL) Last year, I compared an XL Ladies’ shirt with a small unisex shirt. The XL ladies was comparable in size to a small unisex.

11 Please consider getting a volunteer application submitted early this year in case you are able to help chaperone a trip. I do ask the students to use their phones as calculators, stopwatches and cameras sometimes, but expect the phones to be put away as soon as the academic use is finished.

12 Lunch on a Field Trip Some field trips will start in the morning and end in the afternoon. Thus, kids will need to plan to eat lunch. If this is the case, the field trip slip will have a check mark next to “will” instead of “will not” “need a lunch for the trip”. If the trip includes lunchtime, your student will need to bring a lunch or order one from the TJHS cafeteria. Order a lunch by signing the first parent/guardian spot on the permission slip. If we are going to a college where we can eat lunch in the college dining hall, I’ll send details about how you can buy your child lunch with that trip permission slip. In those cases, you are still welcome to pack your child’s lunch or order one from our cafeteria.


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