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Generation of electricity by using Fish Collagen

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1 Generation of electricity by using Fish Collagen
The word “piezein” is a Greek word which means “to press” Piezoelectricity means electricity generated from pressure - a very logical name Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain crystals to produce a voltage when subjected to mechanical When an electric voltage is applied to a transducer crystal, the crystal gets excited and is deformed When the crystal is compressed, the ions in each unit cell are displaced, causing the electric polarization of the unit cell But here we use the concept of producing electricity from Fish Collagen Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the substance that holds the whole body together. It is found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons, where it forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure. This concept is a unique one and can be used to develop an alternate mode of electricity for Nano- generators Fish scale is a product that is abundant and is a very cost-effective process

2 Cont… The protein obtained from such scales can then be used for making bio- piezoelectric generators. .By combining four generators an output of 14V can be generated that will be sufficient in powering small fans and LED lamps Piezoelectric ceramic materials are not piezoelectric until the random ferroelectric domains are aligned by a process known as POLING While the term transducer commonly implies the use of a sensor/detector, any device which converts energy can be considered a transducer This concept can be developed further to power the electricity of an entire house. This concept is much better than the present ones that rely on body motions for generating mobiles and other small appliances.

3 Process of Generation Transducers are used in electronic communications systems to convert signals of various physical forms to electronic signals, and vice versa In this concept, the first transducer could be a microphone, and the second transducer could be a speaker

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