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Wireless PHY: Frequency-Domain Analysis

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1 Wireless PHY: Frequency-Domain Analysis
Y. Richard Yang 09/4/2012

2 Outline Recap Frequency domain analysis Introduction to modulation

3 Recap: Wireless and Mobile Computing
Driven by infrastructure and device technology global infrastructures device miniaturization and capabilities software development platforms Challenges: wireless channel: unreliable, open access mobility portability changing environment heterogeneity

4 Overview of Wireless Physical Layer
source coding bit stream channel coding analog signal sender modulation receiver bit stream source decoding channel decoding demodulation

5 Wireless Physical Layer Example: Wireless: 802.11

6 Our Objective Understand key issues and techniques in the design of wireless physical layer Key approach: identify the problem and then the solution(s).

7 Outline Recap Frequency domain analysis Modulation
Characteristic of wireless channels and potential impacts

8 Fourier Series: Decomposing into a Collection of Harmonics
A periodic real function g(t) on [-π, π] can be decomposed as a set of harmonics (cos, sin): Time domain 1 1 t t decomposition periodical signal set bk = 0

9 Fourier Analysis

10 Fourier Analysis

11 Fourier Analysis: Example

12 Fourier Series: An Alternative Representation
A problem of the expression It contains both cos() and sin(), and hence is somehow complex to manipulate.

13 Fourier Series: Using Euler’s formula
Applying Euler’s formula We have

14 Fourier Series: Using Euler’s formula

15 Making Sense of Complex Numbers
What is the effect of multiplying c by ejπ/2? What is the effect of multiplying c by j?

16 Making Sense of Complex Numbers

17 Making Sense of Complex Numbers: Conjugate

18 Summary of Progress: Fourier Analysis of Real Function on [-π, π]

19 Defining Decomposition in a General Interval
A periodic function g(t) on [a, a+T] can be decomposed as:

20 Defining Decomsition on [0, 1]

21 ej2πft Making Sense of ej2πft

22 Making Sense of ej2πft G[f]e-j2πft ej2πft ϕ=2πft ϕ=-2πft e-j2πft

23 Two Domain Representations
See examples: spectrum_2in.m Two representations: time domain; frequency domain Knowing one can recover the other

24 Example: Frequency Analysis of sine and cosine
See examples: spectrum_2in.m

25 Example: Frequency Analysis of sine and cosine

26 Example: Frequency Domain’s View of Euler’s Formula

27 From Integral to Computation

28 Discrete Domain Analysis
Transforming a sequence of numbers x0, x1, …, xN-1 to another sequence of numbers X0, X1, …, XN-1 Inverse DFFT


30 Frequency Analysis Examples Using GNURadio
spectrum_2sin_plus FFT Scope spectrum_1sin_rawfft Raw FFT spectrum_2sin_multiply_complex Multiplication of 2 sines Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

31 Quadrature Mixing spectrum of complex signal x(t)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns. spectrum of complex signal x(t) spectrum of complex signal x(t)ej2f0t spectrum of complex signal x(t)e-j2f0t

32 Signals at undesirable frequencies
Basic Question: Why Not Send Digital Signal in Wireless Communications? Signals at undesirable frequencies suppose digital frame length T, then signal decomposes into frequencies at 1/T, 2/T, 3/T, … let T = 1 ms, generates radio waves at frequencies of 1 KHz, 2 KHz, 3 KHz, … $22 billion: Amount operators paid the U.S. government over the past ten years for spectrum. Source Burton Group. 1 digital signal t

33 Frequencies are Assigned and Regulated
Europe USA Japan Cellular Phones GSM 450 - 457, 479 486/460 467,489 496, 890 915/935 960, 1710 1785/1805 1880 UMTS (FDD) 1920 1980, 2110 2190 (TDD) 1900 1920, 2020 2025 AMPS , TDMA CDMA 824 849, 869 894 1850 1910, 1930 1990 PDC 810 826, 940 956, 1429 1465, 1477 1513 Cordless CT1+ 885 887, 930 932 CT2 864 868 DECT 1900 PACS 1910, 1930 UB 1910 PHS 1895 1918 JCT 254 380 Wireless LANs IEEE 2400 2483 HIPERLAN 2 5150 5350, 5470 5725 902 928 I EEE 5350, 5725 5825 2471 2497 5250 Others RF Control 27, 128, 418, 433, 315, 915 426, 868

34 Spectrum and Bandwidth: Shannon Channel Capacity
The maximum number of bits that can be transmitted per second by a physical channel is: where W is the frequency range of the channel, and S/N is the signal noise ratio, assuming Gaussian noise

35 Frequencies for Communications
twisted pair coax cable optical transmission 1 Mm 300 Hz 10 km 30 kHz 100 m 3 MHz 1 m 300 MHz 10 mm 30 GHz 100 m 3 THz 1 m 300 THz VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF infrared visible light UV VLF = Very Low Frequency UHF = Ultra High Frequency LF = Low Frequency SHF = Super High Frequency MF = Medium Frequency EHF = Extra High Frequency HF = High Frequency UV = Ultraviolet Light VHF = Very High Frequency Frequency and wave length:  = c/f wave length , speed of light c  3x108m/s, frequency f

36 Why Not Send Digital Signal in Wireless Communications?
Transmitter voice Antenna: size ~ wavelength 20-20KHz At 3 KHz, $22 billion: Amount operators paid the U.S. government over the past ten years for spectrum. Source Burton Group. Antenna too large! Use modulation to transfer to higher frequency

37 Basic Concept of Modulation
The information source Typically a low frequency signal Referred to as baseband signal Carrier A higher frequency sinusoid Example cos(2π10000t) Modulated signal Some parameter of the carrier (amplitude, frequency, phase) is varied in accordance with the baseband signal

38 Types of Modulation Analog modulation Digital modulation
Amplitude modulation (AM) Frequency modulation (FM) Double and signal sideband: DSB, SSB Digital modulation Amplitude shift keying (ASK) Frequency shift keying: FSK Phase shift keying: BPSK, QPSK, MSK Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

39 Example: Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Block diagram Time domain Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns. Frequency domain

40 Problem: How to Demodulate AM Signal?
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

41 Quadrature Sampling (Software Radio Foundation)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

42 Quadrature Sampling: Upper Path (cos)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

43 Quadrature Sampling: Upper Path (cos)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

44 Quadrature Sampling: Upper Path (cos)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

45 Quadrature Sampling: Lower Path (sin)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

46 Quadrature Sampling: Lower Path (sin)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

47 Quadrature Sampling: Lower Path (sin)
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

48 Quarature Sampling: Putting Together
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

49 Software AM Radio Receiver
Relationship between FFT size N, and sample rate Ns. FFT Xk is for frequency at k * frequency of the N samples N/Ns.

50 Modulation Modulation of digital signals known as Shift Keying
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK): Frequency Shift Keying (FSK): Phase Shift Keying (PSK): 1 t

51 Phase Shift Keying: BPSK
BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying): bit value 0: sine wave bit value 1: inverted sine wave very simple PSK Properties robust, used e.g. in satellite systems Q I 1

52 Phase Shift Keying: QPSK
11 10 00 01 Q I A t QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying): 2 bits coded as one symbol symbol determines shift of sine wave often also transmission of relative, not absolute phase shift: DQPSK - Differential QPSK

53 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM): combines amplitude and phase modulation It is possible to code n bits using one symbol 2n discrete levels 0000 0001 0011 1000 Q I 0010 φ a Example: 16-QAM (4 bits = 1 symbol) Symbols 0011 and 0001 have the same phase φ, but different amplitude a and 1000 have same amplitude but different phase

54 Exercise Suppose fc = 1 GHz (fc1 = 1 GHz, fc0 = 900 GHz for FSK)
Bit rate is 1 Mbps Encode one bit at a time Bit seq: Q: How does the wave look like for? 11 10 00 01 Q I A t

55 Spectral Density of BPSK
Spectral Density = bit rate width of spectrum used b fc : freq. of carrier Rb =Bb = 1/Tb b fc

56 Phase Shift Keying: Comparison
fc: carrier freq. Rb: freq. of data 10dB = 10; 20dB =100 BPSK A QPSK t 11 10 00 01

57 Question Why would any one use BPSK, given higher QAM?

58 Signal Propagation

59 Antennas: Isotropic Radiator
Isotropic radiator: a single point equal radiation in all directions (three dimensional) only a theoretical reference antenna Radiation pattern: measurement of radiation around an antenna z y z ideal isotropic radiator y x x Q: how does power level decrease as a function of d, the distance from the transmitter to the receiver?

60 Free-Space Isotropic Signal Propagation
In free space, receiving power proportional to 1/d² (d = distance between transmitter and receiver) Suppose transmitted signal is cos(2ft), the received signal is Pr: received power Pt: transmitted power Gr, Gt: receiver and transmitter antenna gain  (=c/f): wave length Sometime we write path loss in log scale: Lp = 10 log(Pt) – 10log(Pr)

61 Real Antennas Q: Assume frequency 1 Ghz,  = ?
Real antennas are not isotropic radiators Some simple antennas: quarter wave /4 on car roofs or half wave dipole /2  size of antenna proportional to wavelength for better transmission/receiving /4 /2 Q: Assume frequency 1 Ghz,  = ?

62 Why Not Digital Signal (revisited)
Not good for spectrum usage/sharing The wavelength can be extremely large to build portal devices e.g., T = 1 us -> f=1/T = 1MHz -> wavelength = 3x108/106 = 300m

63 Figure for Thought: Real Measurements

64 Signal Propagation Receiving power additionally influenced by
shadowing (e.g., through a wall or a door) refraction depending on the density of a medium reflection at large obstacles scattering at small obstacles diffraction at edges diffraction reflection refraction scattering shadow fading

65 Signal Propagation: Scenarios
Details of signal propagation are very complicated We want to understand the key characteristics that are important to our understanding

66 Shadowing Signal strength loss after passing through obstacles
Same distance, but different levels of shadowing: It is a random, large-scale effect depending on the environment

67 Example Shadowing Effects
i.e. reduces to ¼ of signal 10 log(1/4) = -6.02

68 JTC Indoor Model for PCS: Path Loss
Shadowing path loss follows a log-normal distribution (i.e. L is normal distribution) with mean: A: an environment dependent fixed loss factor (dB) B: the distance dependent loss coefficient, d : separation distance between the base station and mobile terminal, in meters Lf : a floor penetration loss factor (dB) n: the number of floors between base station and mobile terminal

69 JTC Model at 1.8 GHz

70 Multipath Signal can take many different paths between sender and receiver due to reflection, scattering, diffraction

71 Multipath Example: Outdoor
Example: reflection from the ground or building ground

72 Multipath Effect (A Simple Example)
Assume transmitter sends out signal cos(2 fc t) d1 d2 phase difference:

73 Multipath Effect (A Simple Example)
Suppose at d1-d2 the two waves totally destruct. (what does it mean?) Q: where are places the two waves construct?

74 Option 1: Change Location
If receiver moves to the right by /4: d1’ = d1 + /4; d2’ = d2 - /4; -> By moving a quarter of wavelength, destructive turns into constructive. Assume f = 1G, how far do we move?

75 Option 2: Change Frequency

76 Multipath Delay Spread
RMS: root-mean-square

77 Multipath Effect (moving receiver)
example d d1 d2 Suppose d1=r0+vt d2=2d-r0-vt d1d2

78 Derivation See for cos(u)-cos(v)

79 Waveform v = 65 miles/h, fc = 1 GHz: fc v/c =
109 * 30 / 3x108 = 100 Hz 10 ms deep fade Q: How far does a car drive in ½ of a cycle?

80 Multipath with Mobility

81 Effect of Small-Scale Fading
no small-scale fading

82 Multipath Can Spread Delay
signal at sender LOS pulse Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

83 JTC Model: Delay Spread
Residential Buildings

84 Multipath Can Cause ISI
Dispersed signal can cause interference between “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) Assume 300 meters delay spread, the arrival time difference is /3x108 = 1 ns if symbol rate > 1 Ms/sec, we will have serious ISI In practice, fractional ISI can already substantially increase loss rate signal at sender LOS pulse multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

85 Summary: Wireless Channels
Channel characteristics change over location, time, and frequency Received Signal Large-scale fading Power power (dB) path loss log (distance) time small-scale fading signal at receiver LOS pulse multipath pulses frequency

86 Representation of Wireless Channels
Received signal at time m is y[m], hl[m] is the strength of the l-th tap, w[m] is the background noise: When inter-symbol interference is small: (also called flat fading channel)

87 Preview: Challenges and Techniques of Wireless Design
Performance affected Mitigation techniques Shadow fading (large-scale fading) Fast fading (small-scale, flat fading) Delay spread (small-scale fading) received signal strength use fade margin—increase power or reduce distance bit/packet error rate at deep fade diversity equalization; spread-spectrum; OFDM; directional antenna ISI

88 Backup Slides

89 Received Signal d2 d1 receiver

90 Multipath Fading with Mobility: A Simple Two-path Example
r(t) = r0 + v t, assume transmitter sends out signal cos(2 fc t) r0 More detail see page 16 Eqn. (2.13):

91 Received Waveform v = 65 miles/h, fc = 1 GHz:
10 ms deep fade v = 65 miles/h, fc = 1 GHz: fc v/c = 109 * 30 / 3x108 = 100 Hz Why is fast multipath fading bad?

92 Small-Scale Fading

93 Multipath Can Spread Delay
signal at sender LOS pulse Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

94 RMS: root-mean-square
Delay Spread RMS: root-mean-square

95 Multipath Can Cause ISI
dispersed signal can cause interference between “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) Assume 300 meters delay spread, the arrival time difference is /3x108 = 1 ms if symbol rate > 1 Ms/sec, we will have serious ISI In practice, fractional ISI can already substantially increase loss rate signal at sender LOS pulse multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

96 Summary: Wireless Channels
Channel characteristics change over location, time, and frequency Received Signal Large-scale fading Power power (dB) path loss log (distance) time small-scale fading frequency

97 Dipole: Radiation Pattern of a Dipole

98 Free Space Signal Propagation
1 t at distance d ?

99 Fourier Series: An Alternative Representation
A problem of the expression contains both cos() and sin(). Using Euler’s formula:

100 Implementing Wireless: From Hardware to Software

101 Making Sense of the Transform

102 Relating the Two Representations

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