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Annette G., Jenny Y., Ricky D., Vidhi S.

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1 Annette G., Jenny Y., Ricky D., Vidhi S.
Chapter 7 Part 1 Annette G., Jenny Y., Ricky D., Vidhi S.

2 Chapter Summary Meets Marco, husband of Rosie, who wants someone practical to take care of him so he can resume his work at ancient sites Gaffur and Joseph work for Marco now Raju becomes obsessed with Rosie Constant toxicity in the love triangle Marco and Rosie leave after a fight, Raju is left heartbroken and alone

3 Dominant Effect Narayan contrasts Rosie’s superficial and lustful relationship with Raju to her unattainable, idealistic marriage with Marco using the motif of dance, illustrating both Rosie and Raju’s conflict between their old lives and the new.

4 Raju RailroadRaju

5 Gaffur Gaffur

6 Media Rationale--Snapchat
Raju’s and Rosie’s Relationship summed up through Snapchat… 10 second time frame of snaps Side-profile & hidden faces Friend emoticons measure social relationships through contact frequency Filters

7 Media Breakdown Raju’s preoccupation with Rosie’s love:
“She was about to shut the door on me because I was not modern enough for her” (90) Constantly harbored worries about whether he meant as much to Rosie as she did to him Raju would hope for the heart emoji Distance of Social Media: “Distance seemed to lend enchantment to her view now.” (Narayan 105). Rosie is able to keep her distance from Raju while still sending him enticing videos of dancing Snapchats expire quickly--prevent her from creating a long-lasting record of her affair

8 Media Breakdown ctnd. Changing views: Modernity vs. Antiquity
“A good wife ought to be interested in all her husband’s activities” (94) “Just as an old, uneducated wife is better than the new type of girl. Oh, modern girls are very bold” (89). Represent the antiquated views on women and wifely duties Raju and Rosie’s relationship is breaking boundaries and changing the norm Modernity vs. Antiquity “All [Marco] could do was to copy ancient things and write about them. His mind was completely in it.” (Narayan 99). Rosie and Raju’s relationship is novel, which Rosie and Marco’s relationship is old-fashioned Representing tides of change

9 Themes - Finding Quotes
Modernity Internal conflicts/dilemma Dharma/Wife’s duty to husband Rosie and Raju’s relationship

10 Discuss the role of dancing in this chapter.
Discussion Point 1 Discuss the role of dancing in this chapter.

11 Discuss the role of dancing in this chapter.
Dance unites Rosie and Raju Contrast Rosie’s characterization--when she’s with Raju vs. when she’s with Marco Story within the dance is a parallel to Raju’s and Rosie’s story “The whole line means: ‘It is impossible for me to bear the burden of love you have cast on me’” (97) “I will do anything for you. I will give up my life to see you dance. Tell me what you what to do. I will do it for you” (95) “Her eyes lit up with a new fervor at the mention of dancing. So I sat up with her, helping her daydream...Her art and her husband could not find a place in her thoughts at the same time” (95) “‘Are you also like him?’...’Do you also hate to see me dance?’” (95) “It’s symbolism, the boyhood of a very young god, and his fulfillment of marriage, the passage of years from youth to decay, but the heart remaining eve fresh like a lotus on a pond” (98)

12 Discuss Raju and Rosie’s relationship in the chapter.
Discussion Point 2 Discuss Raju and Rosie’s relationship in the chapter.

13 Discuss Raju and Rosie’s relationship in the chapter.
Characterized by dance Motif Ephemeral nature of their relationship--Illustrated through the Snapchat “She looked fevered and anxious about pleasing him. It seemed to abode no good. This all-round cheeriness somehow did not please me” (99) Raju is committed but is Rosie? “I felt suddenly angry at the thought of her. Why couldn’t she eat or tell me what was what instead of behaving like a deaf-mute?” (105) “She sat up and told me, ‘Don’t waste any more of your time with us. You go back. That’s all I have to say’” (105)

14 Discuss how the role of women is changing in India at the time.
Discussion Point 3 Discuss how the role of women is changing in India at the time.

15 Discuss how the role of women is changing in India at the time.
Rosie is tenuous to dance because her husband does not approve of it “‘Are you also like him?’...’Do you also hate to see me dance?’” (95) Gender roles--man works and the women provides him service “Rosie was lying on her bed with eyes shut...He was sitting in his chair, elbow on his table, his chin on his fist” (105) “After all...After all...Is this right what I am doing? After all, he has been so good to me, given me comfort and freedom. What husband in the world would let his wife go and live in a hotel room by herself, a hundred miles away?” (92) Dance is an expression of Rosie’s freedom--she has complete control “She was full of plans. At five in the morning she’d start her practice and continue for three hours” (95)

16 Exit Slip...take out a notecard!
Based on the reading you have done, predict how Rosie and Raju’s relationship will affect his later life as a spiritual guide.

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