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The Importance of Mosquitoes

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Mosquitoes"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Mosquitoes

2 Warmth Nectar Adult Blood Pupa Egg Raft Larva Adult male

3 Different kinds of mosquitoes spread different diseases
A few important diseases… West Nile virus Dog heartworm Malaria Zika virus Yellow fever Dengue fever Chikungunya virus Blood Saliva + pathogens Different kinds of mosquitoes spread different diseases

4 Solutions Change the habitat Add a predator Use bacteria
Protect yourself from adult mosquitoes

5 Limitations Change the habitat Some habitats are too big
Add a predator Use bacteria Protect yourself from adult mosquitoes Some habitats are too big Mosquitofish cannot be added to natural habitats Bacteria doesn’t work well in polluted habitats People forget! We need more solutions!


7 West Nile Virus Bird Mosquito (Vector) (Amplifier Host) Human
(“Dead end” host)

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