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Text Analysis Susan Branch Donna Lanier Elizabeth Dobson

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Presentation on theme: "Text Analysis Susan Branch Donna Lanier Elizabeth Dobson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Text Analysis Susan Branch Donna Lanier Elizabeth Dobson
Central Elementary December 10, 2014

2 What are the characteristics of each reading level?
Challenge What are the characteristics of each reading level? (five minutes) Ask the audience what do you think characteristics of reading levels are?

3 Why analyze text? Vowel teams vce Blends, Digraphs, Trigraphs
Content vocabulary Sight words (5 minutes)

4 ( five minutes) Insert a blank copy of spread sheet
Level Book Publisher Fiction / NF Sight words vocabulary Sentence structure Suffixes Blends digraph vowels Compound words / contractions ( five minutes) Insert a blank copy of spread sheet Tell teachers to go to our web pages to download a template It will be on the wiki later.

5 Analyze Text Teacher model Individual Work Time
(Donna – speaker, Susan - recorder) Presenter models how to analyze a text, reading through the text and writing down sight words, digraphs, vowel patterns, etc. Give teachers time to analyze text.

6 We analyzed the text. Now what do I do?
( five to ten minutes) (Susan) Presenters model how if you see a lot of the books in a certain level contain ee, ea look for materials to teach ee,ea. Discuss use with Letterland. At Central, we teach Letterland in the order of the book the way that the program was designed and then find resources to differentiate out word work stations during guided reading group rotation.

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