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Sept. 2 - Add the following words to your list of literary terms:

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Presentation on theme: "Sept. 2 - Add the following words to your list of literary terms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept. 2 - Add the following words to your list of literary terms:
connotation: the emotional response evoked by a word, in contrast to its literal meaning (denotation) figurative language: language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meanings of words; can make descriptions and unfamiliar or difficult ideas easier to understand includes: simile, metaphor, personification & hyperbole style: the distinctive way in which a work is written; not so much what is said but how it is said; includes: word choice, sentence length, tone, imagery and use of dialogue. tone: writer’s attitude toward his or her subject; uses diction, choice of details, and direct statements about his or her position. Unlike mood, which refers to the readers emotional response, tone indicates the author’s feelings.

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