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Figurative Language.

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1 Figurative Language

2 What is it? Describes something by comparing it with something else
Simile Metaphor Personification

3 Simile Define the term “simile” for students. Have students think of a simile and write multiple examples in the whitespace.

4 Metaphor Define the term “metaphor” for students. Have students think of a simile and write multiple examples in the whitespace.

5 Personification Define the term “personification” for students. Have students think of a simile and write multiple examples in the whitespace.

6 Odes

7 Odes Long lyric poem serious and dignified in subject, tone, and style
often written to celebrate an event, person, being, object, or idea all odes are poems of address, in which the poet uses apostrophe Apostrophe -- a poetic figure of speech in which inanimate object or absent person is directly addressed

8 Odes – The Bottom Line “In Praise of”
This is a good point to read Neruda’s “Ode to My Socks.” Have students underline examples of figurative language as you read the poem.

9 Write two odes Must use at least one of each Must use sensory details
Simile Metaphor Personification Must use sensory details At least 14 lines

10 Ode 1 Students’ first ode must be about one of the images above. Students may write about the literal object or subjects associated with that object. Ex: If students choose the road, they may write about the road, the trees, the changing seasons, their favorite season, etc.

11 Ode 2 Meaningful to you Must use at least one of each
Object Concept Person Must use at least one of each Simile Metaphor Personification Must use sensory details At least 14 lines Assignment created by Matthew Sinex.

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