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Introduction Banana is shallow rooted crop, requires high moisture levels for growth which in turn favor s weed growth. Weeds in banana compete with seedlings.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Banana is shallow rooted crop, requires high moisture levels for growth which in turn favor s weed growth. Weeds in banana compete with seedlings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Banana is shallow rooted crop, requires high moisture levels for growth which in turn favor s weed growth. Weeds in banana compete with seedlings for nutrition and water during the initial growth the plant and thus cause severe losses. Weeds compete for moisture, nutrients and also harbor pests. Thus weeds in banana should be controlled right from its nursery stages.

2 Weeds in Banana Grasses are the detrimental weeds in banana, which cause nitrogen deficiency in young seedlings which can be seen as yellowing of young leaves and foliage. The grasses constitute 70% of the weed flora in banana. Some Weeds in Banana Nursery: Cyanodon dactylon Digitaria marginata Chloris barbata Boerhaavia repens Eleusine egyptiacum Cyperus rotundus Bidens pilosa Commelina bengalensis Phyllanthus madraspatensis Polygonum plebejum Portulaca quadrifida Acalypha indica

3 Weed Management in Banana Nursery
Chemical Control: Pre-emergence application of Atrazine or Simazine or Diuron at 1.5 to 2.0 kg/ha soon after banana planting would keep nursery free from weeds for 3 to 5 months. Post emergence application of Paraquat (0.4 kg/ha) or Dalapon (3 kg/ha) or 2,4-D (0.5 kg/ha) or 5ml/liter of water at fifth leaf stage. Repeat spray after one month if needed. Mechanical Control: Weeding may be done through light digging or hand hoeing. About 4 weeding need to be done in one year.

4 Weed Management in Banana Nursery
Cultural Control: Spread black polythene mulches on ground immediately after planting OR Raise short duration intercrops which would reduce the weed growth up to 4 months. Biological Control: Soil fungus Phytophthora palmivora (Devine), Colletotrichum gleosphorioides (Colego) are used as bio-herbicides. Foliar application of Streptomyces aygroscopius and S. viridochromogens can control grasses and weeds.

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