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Modern Monarchies.

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1 Modern Monarchies

2 What is a Monarchy? Monarchies are governments in which one person, a king or queen, holds power, usually until death. Most monarchies are royal family members who inherited the position from a parent or sibling. Monarchies were once very powerful and ruled most of Europe.

3 History of Monarchies Monarchies were the main form of government among European nations after the fall of the Roman Empire. Only a few modern European nations have monarchies (Great Britain, Denmark, Spain) and their powers have changed over time.

4 Royal Duties Monarchies no longer hold complete power. In fact they have no real power in the government. Instead they act as ambassadors (representatives) for their country. Royal “roles” include: military service (mainly for the males), opening and closing parliament, weekly meetings with the prime minister and hosting dinners/parties for world leaders.

5 The British Royals Modern day royals are rich, famous and spend time attending events on behalf of their nation, making speeches and raising money for social causes. The British monarchy still reigns in former British colonies such as Australia and Canada.

6 The British Monarchy Queen Elizabeth II is the current head of the British monarchy. She’s held her position for over 60 years. Elizabeth inherited her title from her father and she will pass it on to her oldest son Charles when she dies or retires.

7 Heirs to the throne

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