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EUROPEAN COMMISSION Economics European Union Laura Merino Martínez.

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1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Economics European Union Laura Merino Martínez

2 What is the European Commission?
The European Commission is a politically independent institution which represents and defends European Union’s interests as a whole, it propose the legislation, policies and programs of action and is responsible of apply the European Parliament and European Union Council decisions. The term Commission makes reference to the members of the commission those are the Commissioners, designated by the 27 Member States and the Parliament, but it makes reference too to the own institution and to its personnel.

3 The Formation of the Commission
The Commission is based in Brussels and currently consist of 20 members. At the head of the Commission are the President and one or two Vice- Presidents who are hold office for a two-year renewable term. The Treaty of Amsterdam strengthened the legitimacy of the President of the Commission by submitting his nomination for approval to the European Parliament’ . The Commission is collectively accountable to the European Parliament. (Example of March 1999)’’. The Treaty of Nice: one national per member state (effect from 2005) After the Union reaches membership of 27 states by enlargement to countries of central and eastern Europe, the members of the commission shall be less than the number of member states. José Manuel Barroso (European Commission President)

4 European Commission Functions
European legislative initiative: The Commission is the unique institution responsible to elaborate European legislative proposals that after will be presented to the European Parliament and to the Ministers Council. Those proposals must defend Union general interests and its citizens, and not countries or specific sectors.’ Communitarian policies execution: The Commission is the Executive of the European Union, for that is the responsible of manage and carry out the Union budget and the policies and adopted programmes.’’ Examples: COMPETENCE

5 To make fulfill the European legislation:
Like “guardian of Treaties” the Commission is in charge, with the Court of Justice of the European Communities, to make sure the application legislation of the Union in all Member States. If a country doesn’t apply a Union law, the Commission will make a legal process called “infraction process”. Spain fulfil the communitarian legislation with the conditions that where imposed to the OPA. The Court of Justice dictated a sentence that gave the reason to the European Commission. Court of Justice

6 Representation of the European Union in the international scene:
European Commission is the European Union countries spokesperson at international level. What is more, the Commission has the responsibility of negotiate international agreements in name of the Union. Example: Cotonu Agreement.’ Caribbean Pacific Africa

7 Some European Commission Proposals and Rules
Erasmus to young enterprising of the European Union.’ DVB-H is declared official rule of Mobil Television in all Europe.’’

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