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Grouping & Identifying Living Things By: Prof. Anjum

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Presentation on theme: "Grouping & Identifying Living Things By: Prof. Anjum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grouping & Identifying Living Things By: Prof. Anjum
Classification Grouping & Identifying Living Things By: Prof. Anjum

2 Why classify? Think of three examples where we group things.
Why do we group these things?

3 Crieteria for Animal Classification
Number of germ layers Animal Body plan Body symmetry Body cavity/ coelom Body segmentation Body Support

4 Number of germ layers Diploplastic Triploblastic

5 Animal Body plan Cell Aggregate plan Blind sac body plan
Tube within tube body plan

6 Body symmetry

7 Body cavity/ coelom

8 Body segmentation

9 Body Support Endoskeleton Exoskeleton

10 Classifying Living Things
We put livings things into two large groups: Animals Plants

11 Animals Animals are spilt into two major groups: Non -Chordates

12 Non- Chordates

13 Non- Chordates These are animals without a backbone
There are 10 Phylums of invertebrates Porifera Cnidaria Ctenophora Platyhelminthes Aschelminthes Annelida Arthropods Mollusca Echinoderms Hemichordata

14 Porifera Pore bearing organisms Mostly marine/ freshwater Pores- ostia
Cell aggregate plan

15 Cnidarians Have thin sack like bodies Have tentacles Marine
Blind sac body plan Eg- corals

16 Ctenophora Marine Radially symmetrical Spherical body Bioluminiscence
Eg: Ctenoplana, Pleurobrachia

17 Molluscas Crawl on a single fleshy pad. Can have a shell Marine
Bilaterally symmetrical Oviparous

18 Platyhelminthes/Flatworms
Have flat worm like bodies Bilaterally symmetrical Endoparasites Hermaphrodite

19 Annelids Have round worm like bodies Have bodies divided into segments

20 Roundworms Have long thin round worm like bodies
Have bodies with no segments

21 Echinoderms Have bodies divided into five parts
Have spiny outer covering

22 Hemichordata Half Chordata Marine Unsegmented Worm like
Eg: Balanoglossus, Rhabdopleura, Magnified Zooid

23 Phylum Chordata

24 Sub-Phylum Urochordata
Called Tunicates Notochord present in tail of larva Lost during metamorphosis Marine Eg: Herdmania, Salpa, Doliolum

25 Sub-phylum Cephalochordata
Called lancelets, small fishes like Marine sediments Notochord throughout body and life Eg: Amphioxus

26 Sub-Phylum Vertebrata

27 Class Cyclostomata Jawless eel like Ectoparasites
Eg: Petromyzon, Myxine

28 Division Gnathostomata

29 Superclass pisces Class – Chondrichthyes- cartilage- marine
Class – Osteichthyes-bone-marine/ fresh

30 Pisces Fish Have wet scales Lays eggs in water Lives in water

31 Superclass Tetrapoda Class- Amphibia Class – Reptilia Class- Aves
Class- Mammalia

32 Amphibians Have moist skin Lay jelly coated eggs in water
Lives on land and water

33 Reptiles Have dry scales Lay leathery shelled eggs Cold blooded

34 Aves-Birds Have feathers and hollow bones Lay hard shelled eggs
Warm blooded

35 Mammals Have hair and produce milk
Give birth to live offspring (no eggs) Warm blooded

36 Summary of Vertebrates

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