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Immigration Does not include pictures

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1 Immigration Does not include pictures
Malissa Troidl 11/21/2018

2 Immigrant (îm¹î-grent) noun 1. A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved. 1 11/21/2018

3 Do you remember the first ones?
What was the year? 1608 Where did they settle? Jamestown Who was one of the famous leaders? 2 John Smith 11/21/2018

4 Where did most of the Immigrants come from in the 19th Century?
Germany Next came the Irish The reason: the potato famine Also the following: Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, etc. Look at page 297 SS book graph 3 11/21/2018

5 4 Why did they come here? Jobs Food Homes Escape political persecution
Escape religious persecution anti-semitism-hatred of Jews Wanted freedom 4 11/21/2018

6 Don’t we all wish this was real!!!

7 The Land of Opportunity
Told that America, “Almost heaven. You could almost just grab the money.” Seemed like money fell of trees to those living in other countries and everyone was happy and got along Most were roundtrippers-intended on going back home rich 11/21/2018

8 How did they get here? In the steerage-large compartments below deck of steamships Cost 8-30 dollars and took days Imagine being below decks for days with hundreds of people Imagine the smell Imagine the noise 5 What do you say, want to come to America? 11/21/2018

9 Where in America? Most (70%) ended their voyage at Ellis Island in New York. Once on the Island the Immigrants were inspected by doctors “Are you healthy?” a doctor would ask. “Do you have any rashes? Have you ever had tuberculosis? If he suspected anything he would scribble a letter in chalk on your jacket and chances are you were sent back from where you came. 6 NEW NAMES GIVEN AS WELL 11/21/2018

10 Cont. A famous Immigrant who will come up later is Jacob Riis (Denmark) thought once he disembarked he would see buffalo and cowboys but was surprised to see that New York was paved and much like the city he had left. Imagine you just stepped off the ship what would be going through your mind and what do you think you would encounter? Immigrants from Asia met the same type of inspection on another island in California called Angel Island. 11/21/2018

11 Ellis Island 11/21/2018

12 Think about these questions while watching the movie.
Why was it called the Island of hope? Why was it called the Island of tears? Why were some of the questions hard to answer? 11/21/2018

13 11/21/2018

14 Angel Island 11/21/2018

15 Boat arriving in America

16 Immigrants Arriving 11/21/2018

17 Inside 11/21/2018

18 Men came first usually 11/21/2018

19 Commotion 11/21/2018

20 What happens after you arrive?
What would be the first thing you would do? Didn’t have enough money to buy land and farm so most worked in the factories in the city. FIND A JOB! 7 11/21/2018

21 Where do you live? Most lived in ethnic neighborhoods
areas where people shared the same languages and culture Familiar food, newspapers, and help Jewish-Lower east NY-garment industry Polish-Chicago IL-Meatpacking Japanese-Hawaii-Sugarcane fields German-Milwaukee Irish and Italian-Boston 11/21/2018

22 Was life “a bed of roses?”
Reality very different from their dreams Crowded into tiny apartments-tenements Worked long hours Watched children adopt American culture and leave theirs behind-assimilate Nativists-Native born Americans felt threatened by the new languages/religions and had to compete for jobs Nativism-hatred of immigrants mostly Irish and Germans 11/21/2018

23 Tenements 11/21/2018

24 Bob Troidl: Tenement Building Bob Troidl: 11/21/2018

25 Chinese Exclusion Act So many immigrants the government decided to not let people in Said they worked for lower wages Unfairly taxed the immigrants Wouldn’t let their children go to public school Banned Chinese laborers from coming to the United States 11/21/2018

26 A Lamp Beside the Golden Door
Emma Lazarus wrote a poem about the struggle of immigrants “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” 11/21/2018

27 Answer the following Why did Americans come to America?
Who wrote the poem at the bottom of the statue of liberty? What is a nativist and what is nativism? What is an ethnic neighborhood? What part of the boat did immigrants ride in? What island did most immigrants pass through? What island did most Asian immigrants come through? What was the first thing immigrants looked for after arriving? Define roundtripper and assimilate. Define anti-semitism. 11/21/2018

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