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Expository Essay Writing Supporting Body Paragraphs

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1 Expository Essay Writing Supporting Body Paragraphs

2 The body paragraphs should support the thesis well
The body paragraphs should support the thesis well. You need strong examples that you can explain using commentary. Make sure you have a topic sentence and concluding sentence for each body paragraph. Support examples should come from: Current Events (news, politics, celebrities, sports, etc.) Historical Examples Stuff you’ve read or seen (books, movies, articles, YouTube videos, magazines, newspapers, etc.) Personal Examples (yours or others)

3 Thesis: Treating people in a kind fashion can set them on the right track.
Example Support Paragraph: For instance, in the real-story-made-into-a-movie “The Blind Side,” the kindness of one person transformed another human being’s life. Michael Orr was a kid that was living on the streets; consequently, he was not doing well in school. Fortunately, a stranger took Michael in (Leigh Anne Tuohy) and showed him kindness and respect. That was the best thing that happened to him and, as a result, he started to improve emotionally, academically, and athletically. Because of Mrs. Tuohy’s positive influence, Michael was able to succeed.

4 Thesis: When a leader models good behavior, others will follow suit.
Example Support Paragraph: “ Similarly, in several episodes of the long-time running T.V. show “7th Heaven,” the parents in the show were always helping people outside of their family. They would take in teenagers who didn’t have a place to live or visit people while they were in rehab or prison. Their children witnessed their consistent efforts to help others on an everyday basis, and they saw how those people were affected in a positive way. Thus, their oldest son became a doctor and one of their daughters became a pastor—both following in their parent’s footsteps of doing “good” for others.

5 Now, you try! Write a support example paragraph for one of the theses below. 1) Success is achieved only through hard work. 2) The way people dress affects how others view them. 3) The activities a person engages in defines who they are. Support examples should come from: Current Events (news, politics, celebrities, sports, etc.) Historical Examples Stuff you’ve read or seen (books, movies, articles, YouTube videos, magazines, newspapers, etc.) Personal Examples (yours or others)

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