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Rebellion What is a rebellion? What comes to mind when you hear this word? What conditions bring about rebellion? Can rebellions be prevented? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebellion What is a rebellion? What comes to mind when you hear this word? What conditions bring about rebellion? Can rebellions be prevented? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebellion What is a rebellion? What comes to mind when you hear this word? What conditions bring about rebellion? Can rebellions be prevented? Explain. What rebellions can you think of throughout history?

2 The American Colonies Virginia, 1675
BACON’S REBELLION The American Colonies Virginia, 1675

3 Picture It… You are an Indentured Servant in Colonial America
Tobacco has become the cash crop savior of the colony Everyone is trying to make $$$ planting it It is EVERYWHERE!!!


5 BUT… Tobacco is incredibly harsh on the land
The Colonial Economy & Labor Force has become one-dimensional Education is lacking Cities aren’t developing Indentured Servants are frustrated high taxes no more land left for them

6 As the market is flooded with tobacco, the price of tobacco plummets
Farmers not making much money Go into debt Still have heavy taxes As tobacco is harsh on the land, the soil needs time to replenish

7 What To Do??? Colonists thought if they could just get more land…
Could grow more tobacco Sell more Make more money!!!


9 Native Americans Treaties have been signed Borders have been drawn
So What?! Discontent boils over… Farmers begin to invade Powhatan Lands to the West Group of Indians are killed Retaliation comes


11 Cry for War!! VA Governor William Berkeley refuses to authorize a war
Farmers are furious at Government But here comes…Nathaniel Bacon: Led poor farmers, indentured servants, even slaves on a rampage

12 Nathaniel Bacon

13 Bacon’s Rebellion Makes war on Native Tribes for their Lands
Begins looting wealthy white plantations as well Jamestown is burned

14 Bacon Organizing His Men

15 Jamestown Burned

16 But Then… Bacon dies suddenly (dysentery) Rebellion fades out
HOUSE OF BURGESSES – VA Assembly votes to lower taxes and open up some land

1. One crop economy 2. Indentured Servitude 3. Soil Dying

1. Tobacco Price Fall 2. Lack of Available Land 3. High Taxes 4. No Government Help

1. Farmers Start War 2. Invasion of Native American Lands 3. Attack Wealthy Planters

20 THE REALIZATION Indentured Servant Labor isn’t Working!!!
They become free and want things Like land, freedoms, rights, money American Colonies Need a New Source of Labor One that won’t give them these problems

1. Some Government Help Lower Taxes 2. SLAVERY EXPANDS IN THE COLONIES!!! Indentured Servitude will not work

22 What was Bacon’s Rebellion?
Farmers expressing discontent, making war on Native Americans to get more land

23 Discussion Why is Bacon’s Rebellion significant?
What other options do people have to express discontent, other than rebellion? What is effective about rebellions? What can be ineffective about a rebellion? Do you think this rebellion (directly or indirectly) influenced the American Revolution 100 years later? Explain. Why do you think rebellions were so prominent throughout colonial history?

24 What is the SIGNIFICANCE of Bacon’s Rebellion?
The Significance of Bacon’s Rebellion is that African Slavery was expanded in the American Colonies

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